Anonymous ID: 6b3dd5 Jan. 16, 2019, 5:21 a.m. No.4776608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6611 >>6620 >>6663 >>6673 >>6688


'Once such cakes have gone, I'll make a selection of my favorite and / or rare photos of Genesis. for the most part early'



images are from this link, check it out. these two have the dog and a baby then they have a dogs head and no baby


these people are sick

Anonymous ID: 6b3dd5 Jan. 16, 2019, 6:16 a.m. No.4776931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6956

The Facts:In his public apology to the people of Australia based on the findings of a Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison used the term 'ritual sexual abuse.'

Reflect On:Does this signify the beginning of 'official' public disclosure about the prevalence of Satanic ritual abuse that has long been a practice of the world's powerful elite?


On November 12, 2012 the former Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, set into motion a Royal Commission to inquire into institutional responses to child abuse. Five years later, in December 2017, the Royal Commission presented its final report to the government, an absolutely damning indictment against institutions that dealt with children, including the Catholic Church. As a result, the current Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, delivered a public apology on October 22, 2018.


Whether or not this public apology from both Morrison and the opposition leader Bill Shorten was as sincere as it was eloquent is a matter of conjecture. When Morrison says that “today, as a nation, we confront our failure to listen, to believe and to provide justice,” does he really mean to suggest that a problem as rampant as this was allowed to continue for so long simply because they did not believe the claims by children who were sexually abused? Or did Morrison leave a clue that there is something deeper and more insidious going on here?


“The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well.” Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison


Child Sexual Abuse Is Found Everywhere

For most of us, it is difficult to make sense of the prevalence of child sexual abuse described by the Royal Commission. Keep in mind that these claims only account for the small percentage of sexual abuse survivors who were willing to come forward. We cannot hear from those who died, nor from the children who didn’t come forward.


Child sexual abuse is often systemic, organized, and highly promoted in many corners of the world by a central power structure that remains hidden from sight. This power structure has several different names but for this article I will use the term ‘Illuminati,’ referring to an elite group whose role and nature I describe in much greater detail in my Lucifer Series


The Royal Commission did not go so far as to suggest the existence of this central power structure, and to be fair, that would be beyond their mandate. Their main focus was the ways in which institutions fail to properly deal with claims of child sexual abuse perpetrated by individuals within their organizations. In their analysis of institutions where incidents of child sexual abuse were found, the commission had these rather broad observations:

Anonymous ID: 6b3dd5 Jan. 16, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.4776955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6963 >>6966 >>7130

[PHOTOS] First Batch Of Bricks Are ON THEIR WAY To Pelosi’s Office After New Campaign Goes Viral January 15, 2019 Clayton Keirns


Along with the bricks, this exclusive message from our company was included in the box:


“Dear Nancy Pelosi,


Every brick you receive was ordered specifically for you by the American people. Many of them even left a friendly message for you, as you’ll see below we’ve included them.


We hope you’ll take some time and think about the way you’re treating the safety of the American people. All 7,982 bricks that we’re sending you have been ordered by Americans across the country in less than 9 days. You’ll be receiving weekly shipment of bricks to your Washington D.C. and San Francisco office until you take care of your duty. We thank you for your open mind and willingness to do what the American people have asked. BUILD THE WALL AND PROTECT OUR COUNTRY!


-Your Friends At The DJT Collector Club”


Tap here to take part in this viral campaign


This campaign has caught major traction on social media, generating more than 51,000 likes and 15,000 shares: