Guys this has got to be evidence we are running the democrats operations now as well as our own. She beats a long term Democrat the faggots planned to use and now she gets all the attention and the plum assignments?
Do none of you remember the Democrats complaining about her and some media expressing annoyance that she should just sit down?
How to you make the left love her more? Make us hate her. It is a tried and true manipulation. How our guys fooled the left into supporting Hamilton the Play. All they had to do to gain the support of the left was make the right hate it. To make the right hate it they only used brown people in all the white people roles. But the whole play is an American origin story that none of the niggers on the left would ever go see if they were not tricked into it.
Well this Ocasio-Cortez story screams of a trick. I think she is our girl. She is a giant troll. Trolling the left.