And remember to ignore those who claim that filtering is 'weak'. The call for no filtering is because subliminal messaging doesn't work as effectively if the targets don't actually see or hear it.
Often I do need to refresh the bread which, for me, takes away all the filtering.
If you aren't deleting cache and if you do retain settings, you are correct. I would find it most preferible, and this is correct for me, that there woudl be two versions in view. The filtered things would still be available in the second view, but I would only look there if needed (it rarely is. If I've decided to filter someone it is always for good reason, not just to post a 'kek' image.
I do not recommend filtering people who are just using words, because that takes too much time.
I agree to not start or load a bread with a filter. I only filter when it's obvious that someone is a shit-posting spammer of hypnotic suggestive divisive operational shilling.
No one is saying that people must filter.
you post a goatman picture, why do I need to see that? So I just 'hide'.
people: I don't care if you do or do not filter. My point: those who get very very upset and accusatory when other suggest that filtering is an option, those people: ignore their suggestion that filtering is somehow weak.
that is a very good idea but only to smoke out the cards that are horded by insiders and funding neffariousness. I think that some political insiders probably abuse this system, and I would want to be able to get them to have to reveal themselves.
If RBG had to sign her paycheck, no direct deposit, then we could find out if she is alive or not, or able to do her own dealing.
Do away with direct deposit for government checks and do away with eBT for a cycle or two and issue real checks to the recipients so that they have to show their faces and sign and cataloged as a recipient, using a real idea to be able to catch duplicates and treating all the honest poor (who really do benefit from these programs) not as scoundrals and theifs, but with great respect and requiring a 'plan', a financial plan for each of them to get out of the system with the idea of sunsetting most of it sooner than later.
the key: make them reveal to get the benfits and discover is anyone is gaming the EBT card system. You kind of know that they are.
Is someone spoofing him? I mean, he seems sincere. Is he being fed bad information to seed this out here?
My point: is he really a shill, or is he a dupe.
I think he's a dupe, and that he wants to be good but . . . he's in a bubble trusting people who he shouldn't.
What is he right about? Is he or is he not MAGA? If he were then why can't he just allow the supporters here to not be harranged by his constant accusatory 'gottcha' postings, without anything real or new 'muh chat logs'.
the point: the Q question isn't about a person, it's about a movement. Q is not a diety, nor does anyone think he is.
The point of these breads is that the rest of media has blocked many of us, or many of us never participated in 'social media' aggrigators. This board is a place for people to meet, why, even if Q were as Jack suggests, do they want to ruin this board, and all of those who were blocked elsewhere, who come here to discuss and post and share?
why are you so anti social, Jack?
you know we love you, right?
no matter what the law says, there is an expectation of the workers being treated fairly. We expect POTUS to be respectful and he will. He doesn't just go around firing people for no reason. In fact, he has been known to reward people who do good work. Don't you know that most people who work for government and institutions are doing fine work and are valuble and useful assets who may, in fact, not be getting enough compensation now, and POTUS will fix that.
Support a sane personell policy. It's unrully to the populace to burn down the mission of government through mass firings just because they are triggered by the incontinence of the Democratic leadership puppeteers.
anon when you record music you must use filters.
during playback, as well. If this bread were as a symphony, the shills are those throwing candy from the balcony during th e performance.
In fact, in the real world, nothing works well without filtering.
and, in fact, filtering allows for very many beautiful effects.
without filtering the world is informational overload. That is why people go crazy when they overdose on alkoloids because they have not learned to 'not attend' to the destractions of the world (the alkoloids throw upon all the nueral switching).
If you could 'see' every frequency of light, if you could hear every sound no matter how slight, if your mind didn't turn off the noise naturally so it doesn't affect you . . . you would have a hard time contending with things. Filtering is natural and necessary.
to always filter, and to be ignorant, that's to be discouraged.
the filter is like the thermometer in an oven. The shill says 'touch the oven to see how hot it is.'
you must filter. look at any design for any recorder and there are always band limiting circuitry. the medium, itself, also implies a filtering. Each device in the signal chain will have it's own characteristics.
without filtering to keep the signal within the range of the sample frequency digital noise makes a recording unusable.
A compressor/limiter is recommended and often, now, built in, for audio transfer from analog to digital.
I am saying that no matter what POTUS will give fair treatment to everyone.