Anonymous ID: 1824ea Jan. 16, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.4777530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“I can kind of see his point,” Hume told MacCallum, responding to her question about King’s defense of his recent comments, “but I am sorry, the juxtaposition of what is wrong with those terms and the phrase white supremacist is just too close for comfort, and I think that he was on the right track when he went along with the resolution today to condemn that.”


King contended during his defense before the House that the words “Western civilization” should have been preceded by a pause denoting a separate sentence, and that he wasn’t referring to “white nationalist” nor “white supremacist” when he asked when the “language” became “offensive.”


The rest of Hume’s remarks dealt with how the media should “handle comments that some describe as racist,” citing NBC and the New York Times as examples. (Related: Democratic Leader Confirms Censure Of Steve King Will Open Political Pandora’s Box)


“An interesting thing happened today at NBC news, just to cite one news organization,” said Hume. “They sent out a word to their people that they were not to characterize his statements as racist, but only to simply say these are statements that some are calling racist. Well, the left-wing Huffington Post got them all over them about that, and then the next thing you know NBC News had rescinded that guidance and says you’re perfectly free to say what Steve King said was racist …”