Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.4778073   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More Bible Prophecy coming true


Transhumanism: The New Pharaohs And Their New Pagan Gods


The quest for immortality is as old as human existence, but has taken on a modern form in Transhumanism that is just as superstitious and silly as the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt. It will just as certainly fail in the end. ⁃ TN Editor


What was the upshot of Egyptian idolatry? The ruling elite wanted to live forever, and enslaved my ancestors to build grand tombs in which their mummified bodies would migrate to another life, surrounded by their wealth and some conveniently dead servants. A remarkably large part of Egypt’s economic output fed the fantasies of the Pharaohs, at which we laugh today. The desire for eternal life is not new, and hardly unique to Jews or Christians. Neanderthals buried their dead with grave gifts. Gilgamesh the Babylonian hero set out to find eternal life. The pharaohs built pyramids with our sweat and blood.


Today our progressive opinion-makers ridicule the concept of an eternal God and a world to come, but they believe that we soon will upload our minds to the Internet where our consciousness will continue intact. We laugh at the idea that the blessed would spend eternity strumming harps while seated on clouds, but enlightened opinion now believes that we shall maintain our conscious minds in Google’s cloud. Add to this a robotic body, and supposedly we can live forever. A lot of Silicon Valley billionaires take this seriously.

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.4778106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FREE to read


The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty. This book may have the effect of changing your life. After reading this book, you will never look at national and world events in the same way again.


None Dare Call It Conspiracy will be a very controversial book. At first it will receive little publicity and those whose plans are exposed in it will try to kill it by the silent treatment. For reasons that become obvious as you read this book, it will not be reviewed in all the "proper" places or be available on your local bookstand. However, there is nothing these people can do to stop a grass roots book distributing system. Eventually it will be necessary for the people and organizations named in this book to try to blunt its effect by attacking it or the author. They have a tremendous vested interest in keeping you from discovering what they are doing. And they have the big guns of the mass media at their disposal to fire the barrages at None Dare Call It Conspiracy.


By sheer volume, the "experts" will try to ridicule you out of investigating for yourself as to whether or not the information in this book is true They will ignore the fact that the author about to conjecture. They will find a typographical error or ague some point that is open to debate. If necessary they will lie in order to protect themselves by smearing this book. I believe those who pooh-pooh the information herein because Psychologically many people would prefer to believe we are because we all like to ignore bad news. We do so at our own peril.


Having been a college instructor, a State Senator and now a Congressman I have had experience with real professionals at putting up smokescreens to cover up their own actions by trying to destroy the accuser. I hope that you will read the book carefully, draw your own conclusions and not accept the opinions of those who of necessity must attempt to discredit the book. Your future may depend upon it.

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.4778153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is for all the idiots fear-shills that come on here and cry were being spied on, with not enough brains to know they are 2


Feds Are Spying On Rest Areas, Creating A Multi-State Bathroom Surveillance Program


DOTs and police are now spying on rest areas in real-time 24/7.


According to an article in the Star Tribune, the Department of Transportation (DOT) in eight states have installed cameras and sensors in rest areas.


New technology rolled out in Minnesota and seven other Midwestern states aims to help Wortham and other truckers find parking by broadcasting in real-time the number of spaces available at rest areas.


Rest areas do much more than let truckers know about parking availability.


In Minnesota, six rest areas have the new technology, including cameras taking regular pictures of the parking lots and sensors the size of hockey pucks embedded in the concrete of each parking spot. Those sensors beam data to dynamic roadside signs that display the number of parking spaces available.

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.4778267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous, Pirates and Activists Challenge Articles 11, 12a, 13 With Stop ACTA 2 Protests January 19th Across Europe


The European Union is attempting to censor the Internet with several new initiatives called Article 11, 12a, and 13 while numerous other Articles are pending to be drafted that could affect your Internet freedom rights.


These Articles will have legal implications that will break the Internet as we know it. Not only will they include an “upload filter” if passed to block copyrighted (or unwanted) content from being uploaded on the Internet, it will also be impossible to link to source material, including educational content and even memes. Yes, memes, the EU is coming for your memes, hide your meme stash!



You thought the EU was past banning memes? This September, Article 13 RETURNS for the sequel – and your memes!


Let's make sure memes are safe forever. Get your ticket at #SaveYourInternet


— Create.Refresh (@CreateRefresh) August 26, 2018


Pending Articles like 12a, for example, will make it illegal to upload any personal video from a sporting event because the copyright will be fully to those hosting or sponsoring the event. It is a shocking contention that it could be criminal to record your beloved sports team or showcase a short snippet of a video of your favorite play from a game.


Meanwhile, Article 13 is designed to make website owners responsible for the content that users post on their websites, effectively forcing website owners to move behind an upload filter to protect themselves against huge claims by copyright owners and agencies that work on their behalf like the MPAA and RIAA. Article 11 is an even worse concept. That has been dubbed the “link tax” article; if passed, linking to any copyrighted material is taxed upon.

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.4778373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8380 >>8390


the catholic religion has done more to discredit God and the Bible then all the atheist combined. now facts don't matter to people when it comes to the Bible and the truth of God's word … what a shame

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.4778404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The world counsel of churches is a precursor to the one world religion


Romans 10:14


“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?”

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:57 a.m. No.4778435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8468

Made In USA: Chinese Schools Scanning Kid’s Brains For Attention


Technocrat engineers are attempting to disrupt education by measuring student attention/focus and giving ‘teachers’ a window into the mind. Not surprisingly, China jumped at the opportunity for mass testing on 1.2 million students. ⁃ TN Editor


US-made devices could be used to collect data on 1.2m pupils in China.


Headbands that monitor concentration by reading brain signals have been trialled on thousands of Chinese schoolchildren.


The devices could soon be used on millions of students across China, according to the US tech company which designed them.


Massachusetts-based start-up BrainCo says its Focus 1 headbands can help teachers identify pupils who need extra assistance.

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.4778509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lavrov: Eradicating terrorism from Syria is a must


Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed importance of eradicating terrorism in Syria completely, particularly in Idleb province, and expanding the state’s authority all over the country.

Lavrov said in an annual press conference about the Russian diplomatic work in 2018 that the terrorists spread in Idleb province, particularly Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, constitute the major hotbed of terrorism in Syria, as they continue to violate the agreement of the demilitarized zone and target positions of the Syrian Arab Army and neighboring villages and towns, as well as attempting to target the Russian airbase in Hmeimem.


He also stressed importance of preserving Syria’s unity, independence, and sovereignty and restoring areas to the east of the Euphrates to the state’s authority, reiterating that the USA is still occupying parts of al-Tanf area and is completely responsible for the fate of the displaced people at that area.

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.4778537   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now you know why all the silly ass movies like Matrix and time travel and parallel universes and little green men are out they.. brainwashing at its finest


The more often

a stupidity is repeated,

the more it gets

the appearance of wisdom.

François-Marie Arouet

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.4778649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army foils terrorists’ infiltration attempt, kills many terrorists in Hama


Hama, SANA – Army units working in the northern countryside of Meharda in Hama province carried out on Wednesday operations against hideouts of “al-Ezza Battalions” at the vicinity of Hasraya town, killing many of the terrorists and injuring others.


SANA reporter said that army units working in Zellin town also foiled an infiltration attempt of the terrorist groups at vicinity of al-Latamina town in response to violations of demilitarized zone agreement.

Anonymous ID: 07e759 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:23 a.m. No.4778678   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Golden country your face is so red

With all of your money your poor can be fed

You strut around and you flirt with disaster

Never really carin' just what comes after

Well your blacks are dyin' but your back is still turned

And your freaks are cryin' but your back is still turned

You better stop your hidin or your country will burn

The time has come for you my friend

To all this ugliness we must put an end

Before we leave we must make a stand


REO Speedwagon - Golden Country (Live - You Get What You Play For)