Anonymous ID: 1e2ab5 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.4778439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8512

>>4773612 (pb) - trying to get some more eyes on this one


I noticed something very interesting about Trump's speech to the Farmers in New Orleans yesterday.


Mention #1 of John Kennedy - presumably to set up some deniability for what Trump says later.


>A brilliant guy, he's

>very deceiving. My wife said, "I love watching him on television."

>And I said, "who?" "John Kennedy"

>I said, "John Kennedy? I don't know."

>But, you know, I thought she was talking about the other John Kennedy.

>She was talking ab…this is a man who is totally know,

>I don't know if you know what this means - Oxford, right. He went to Oxford.

>Oxford is..I am very much into the world of schools..Oxford, you have to be

>very, very smart to go to Oxford. And he's very smart. He also loves this

>State, he loves the people. We gave a rally the night before he was won

>that was incredible and I looked and I looked at that crowd; we had to have

>had 40,000 people or more at a hanger. An airport hanger, I said you know

>John Kennedy you're gonna win and and he won and he won big and he

>is my friend, John Kennedy. Thank you, John. Oxford! Oxford John.


Mention #2 of John Kennedy - this time he communicates something amazing


>Were also leading the most sweeping regulatory reform at any time in our history.

>The USDA rolled back almost 400 million dollars in regulatory costs last year alone,

>and this year they are projected to more than double those savings. We're saving

>farmers and rangers from one of the most ridiculous regulations ever imposed on anybody in our nation,

>The Waters of the United States Rule. That's right. Other than the title, such a beautiful title, it was

>a total kill on farmers, on builders, on everybody. It was a total kill. Sounds so nice. In fact I looked at

>John Kennedy when I signed that, I said. John I am going to get killed for this one. Cause what we did

>was take something the Waters of the United States, how beautiful, and yet everything inside was

>a total kill on you (points to the crowd) and other businesses, by the way. And we didn't get killed, did we John?

>huh.. They love it. So many people have come, and you know the time when I signed that bill,

>I had ranchers farmers and some home builders behind me. These are tough people. they were strong

>tough men and women, and half of them were crying because we basically ..our government stole their

>property. They couldn't do anything. They couldn't build.

>They couldn't do anything. They were crying, I said what are you crying about? The one guy, I don't

>think he cried in his whole life. I don't think he cried when he was a baby. He said, sir, you gave me back

>my life. You gave me back my property. They took it away, environmentally took it away….


Found some online transcripts in case mine are off, (caps attached)


Here is Trump signing executive order I think he's talking about, John Kennedy of La is not there.


I probably don't have to spell it out for some of you, but I believe Trump is telling us something here about JFK, Jr.


This reminds me so much of Q's, "Watch the water"


And to repeat what Trump said:


>…Cause what we did

>was take something the Waters of the United States, how beautiful, and yet everything inside was

>a total kill on you (awkwardly points to the crowd) and other businesses, by the way. And we didn't get killed, did we John?

>And we didn't get killed, did we John?

>And we didn't get killed, did we John?

>And we didn't get killed, did we John?

And we didn't get killed, did we John?


Note, other anons also pointed out that Trump mentioned at least 2 numbers that might point to Q drops.

>504 (also New Orleans' area code) -

>175 - in reference to the price of a gallon of gas -

Anonymous ID: 1e2ab5 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.4778512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just noticed also,

q175 was posted on November 21, 2017 at 23:43:15 -

JFK's assassination occurred on November 22, 1963 at 12:30pm Central time in Dallas.

Anonymous ID: 1e2ab5 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.4778777   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>human skin shoes?


idk, but that fagget Eric Swalwell sure likes to take pictures of his shoes - I take it is a general sign of degenerates and the cabal