Anonymous ID: 63edce Jan. 16, 2019, 8:14 a.m. No.4778058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8114

The principal agencies of humanism in the United States are centralized in a small group of

billion dollar foundations which were set up to subvert the American Republic. In "The World

Order," I traced the history of these foundations back to the Peabody Fund, the chief

carpetbagger power in the conquered Southern states after 1865. Peabody, an American who

became secretly affiliated with the Rothschild banking house in London, founded his own

banking house, Peabody and Co., which later became J. P. Morgan & Co. His carpetbagger

Peabody Fund, working closely with the federal military forces, which maintained their

occupation of the Southern states until 1877, later became the General Education Board. Still

later, it was absorbed by the Rockefeller Foundation. Since World War II, at least four

Secretaries of State have been presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation, including John Foster

Dulles, Dean Rusk, Cyrus Vance, and Henry Kissinger (the latter was a director).

The humanist foundations use their tax-exempt billions to infiltrate and control American

education, religion, and government. The humanist officials of the foundations, after undergoing

extended brainwashing at subsidiaries of the Tavistock Institute (itself a branch of the British

Army Dept. of Psychological Warfare) are thoroughly indoctrinated in the Canaanite program of

world control.

Anonymous ID: 63edce Jan. 16, 2019, 8:23 a.m. No.4778164   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Canaanites make sure to reward those who serve them well. Typical was the career of John

Buchan, who married Susan Grosvenor. The Grosvenors (Duke of Westminster) are the

wealthiest family in England, owning some six hundred acres of prime London real estate. For

three years, Buchan was private secretary to Lord Alfred Milner during Milner's promotion of

the Boer War. Milner also founded the Round Tables (the present Council on Foreign Relations).

Buchan became a widely published novelist and was named Governor General of Canada. He

was given the title Lord Tweedsmuir. In his autobiography, "Pilgrim's Way," Buchan mentions

en passant "the veiled prophets who are behind the scenes in a crisis." He offers no further

identification. He also writes, "I dreamed of a worldwide brotherhood with the background of a

common race and creed, consecrated to the cause of peace." In this seemingly innocuous

fantasy, he was really citing his dedication to the worldwide Canaanite conspiracy, with its

pseudo-program of "the Rights of Man," World Brotherhood, and world peace, all this, in reality,

the screen for a universal tyranny imposed by the Canaanite despots.

The Bank of England was chartered as the result of regicide and an international conspiracy

which successfully seized the throne of England. Yet John Buchan wrote in his autobiography, "I

had long shared Lord Rosebery's view of him [Oliver Cromwell] as the greatest of Englishmen."

Lord Rosebery had been the first of the English aristocrats to marry into the Rothschild family.