Anonymous ID: a759f1 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:21 a.m. No.4778136   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8157 >>8194 >>8239


Damn it…I Lynn De Neandertal have said too much!!!


The Goy as dumb as you all are seem to learn once in a while…


I know my long Neandertal arms and fingers makes you Cro-Magnon males hot for me!!! I can jerk you off in a theatre from the row behind you and never stretch at all!!!


Neandertals will win!!!

Anonymous ID: a759f1 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.4778448   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8457 >>8462 >>8505


Yeah the Marines set this whole thing up. If you follow enough leads you might be of the mind the Marines created the Chans and Chan Culture. At least the American version. The Army of Green Frogs was planned for a very long time.


What do you do when you need to come up with a plan to defeat an enemy that has total media domination? You have a "Brainstorm" and will us into existence. We Q are the dream soldiers from men long long ago. That had a moment of insight and saw the way forward.


See why they could not let the movie come out. See why after 35 years a major magazine had an article asking you to watch the movie. Can you see the different levels Original Q is talking to you on?


We are going to pick things up where they first went wrong. Between Men and Women. Watch and be amazed.

Anonymous ID: a759f1 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.4778556   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8588


Hamilton is an American Origin story dumbed down for the morons on the left. Fed to them through the trick of only casting brown people for the white man roles. This is the trick. It drives the right crazy and makes the left love it without doing any actual intellectual breakdown of the message. A trick by our people to force feed normie faggots a dose of American Medicine. Look what else the Writer of the Play has made. In the Heights. A subtle anti Jew LandLord and their fuckery with people and cultures and neighborhoods.


We have more friends than you know. This has been planned for longer than you can imagine. There is more to this than meets the eye.


Sometimes people are acting a role. You have more than you know. There has been messages hidden in film and media for decades. Not all just Jew mind control fuckery. The Department of Defense was where lots of seed money for Hollywood came from. Make (((their))) movies usually….then because you control the purse strings…you sneakily make a movie for our people. And by word of mouth you inform your allies to watch certain films for the messages hidden from the normies in allegory.


Go back and review your childhood favorite movies. Some will have messages layered in them. Seeds designed to bear fruit at the right time.


That time is now. At the Great Awakening.

Anonymous ID: a759f1 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.4778751   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I think I am correct. Wife has had me listen to lots of stuff from this guy. I think he is one of us.


Could I be wrong? Sure.


You should get a bootleg of "In the Heights" and very carefully break down the message of that play. Hamilton is even a better more clever mind fuck from our guys.


They even had Obongo host the play in the White House and the clown had no idea they were being trolled right to their faces.


If you hate the play but have never seen it. Tip your cap to our guys. Their mind fuck worked.


It is a very easy technique. The Right and Left have been trained to hate what the other side likes without actual mental thinking on the subject matter. So when people begin to know that is the case they begin using this mental blind spot to feed you things they want you to like. But by making your opponents hate it first. You then hear about it and automatically support it. Simple. But done with an expert touch with Hamilton.


They used all brown people and acted as if that was the whole point of the play. It is not the point at all. The story of the play is the important point. Snuck into the minds of people trained to be brain dead zombies and to reject the American Origin Mythos.


But we got them to take their medicine….we just used some brown sugar to make it go down. KEK>


We are in a war. A war of the mind. And have been for decades now.