Anonymous ID: ae122b Jan. 16, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.4778192   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Voter ID Laws Bad bc

>voter infringement bc some ppl too poor/impaired to have/remember it

>which is racial discrimination bc of who, on average, fits that bill

>and is institutionalized racism bc white ppl made them that way

>it is good & just to combat institutionalized racism

>reducing barriers to vote allows those hurt by it to combat it

>therefore Voter ID Laws Bad

Anonymous ID: ae122b Jan. 16, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.4778629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Think Tucker doesn't recognize the difference between a democracy and a Republic? He does!

Agreed. Tuck's the best journo we have going atm, one of the few honest ones too.

>Why not correct guests when they refer to us as a democracy?

Seems I've seen him do it b4, but prolly just picks battles depending on the argument. Bad-faith arguers just want to get you off your main point, and if you offer them another avenue to derail over semantics, they'll happily take it.



>It's not Dems vs Repubs…

Above is true, but below isn't – not exactly

>it's not communism vs Constitutional Republic!

Bc in regards to this:

>>Good vs Evil is real.

Our constitutional republic is, despite its limits and flaws, the current political entity expressing the "Good" in the very real, IRL battle vs. "Evil" which is, among other political expressions, represented primarily by "Communism"

Also this:


>Totalitarianism versus self determination


The problem with democracy is universal suffrage. If there is no means to more heavily or favor the good/capable in the decision-making, the bad/incapable will eventually vote themselves into Fort Knox. It takes a certain level of IQ to delay immediate, personal gratification for longer-term benefits and to put the commonweal above self-enrichment. Universal suffrage means that half the people voting are below avg. intelligence. Low-IQ ppl are very easily manipulated & are weak in long-range planning skills. Which is what (((they))) want – a base they can program up to be NPC's to overthrow the natural hierarchy, the "shepherds" that would otherwise protect the sheep from the wolves.

But any mention of this natural truth gets pre-programmed cries of "Ermagerd Elitist Shut it Down!"

So it will have to be slowly and carefully worked out how to reinstitute natural hierarchy in our societies and institutions. We've been abused and lied to by a faux "elite," we will have many internal kneejerk reactions against any suggestion that "muh equality" is wrong.

But our love for, and trust in, POTUS is showing how natural and good having true leadership is for a people. Nothing's ever been perfect, but we used to have more of that, we used to do better screening for that. Not just at the nation level, but at more local levels too.

Anonymous ID: ae122b Jan. 16, 2019, 9:25 a.m. No.4778701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I know this family. I know everyone involved in law enforcement.

Yes, but we don't know you. Many ppl make claims here that are untrue. Most of us prefer to put our cheritable funds/efforts into things we ourselves can see and know: neighbors, local businesses.

>going to these extremes doesn't make you autists, it makes you heartless fools.

Insulting ppl for not trusting you on blind faith does not lend strength to your argument.