Anonymous ID: b67723 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:57 a.m. No.4778436   🗄️.is 🔗kun





NOW is the time to bring this up…isn't the most ideal use for blockchain technology voting?


Is BO not currently working on a blockchain future for this board?


Can we not use our collective power to design demonstrate and present a viable blockchain-based voting apparatus to the world?

-asking for a fren.

Anonymous ID: b67723 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.4778592   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Medicare is shit for some fields, providers, and drugs, and a gold mine for others.


The entire system is broken and corrupt to the core. Yes there are industries and doctors that charge too much for what they provide. There are others that don't charge enough but are limited by the false values put in the system.


Even the notion of forcing people to post prices is extremely misleading: Hospitals and insurance companies can negotiate rates much lower than the costs posted, and while in network rates with preferred providers are comparable or lower to what a TRUE cash rate would be, the trade-off is that these doctors/hospitals enjoy the increased patient load because they do what the INSURANCE COMPANY WANTS. ROBOT healthcare where doctors aren't serving the people.


A number of pediatricians, for example, were kicked out of networks last year, or left willingly, because they were being penalized for allowing parents to exercise their right to informed consent and opt out of vaccinations.


If you really want to fix the system, EVEN if you want to provide universal care, you gotta blow it up first: free up the market. deregulate the whole thing. enforce existing laws about fraud and deception, but allow the people to decide what's valuable. In 25 years, subsidize whatever's left standing if that's what the people really want.

Anonymous ID: b67723 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.4778727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8759


You can't use SSN to vote.

You can't make verification/ under the sun process something that reveals everyone's SSN.

The hood of this car must be see-thru or removed.

No more secrecy.

Patriots aren't going to stand for it once the full extent of the fuqery is realized.