Anonymous ID: f22060 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.4778068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8100 >>8106 >>8152

>>4777887 (lb)


>Biggest exception to all this are those over 60.

>They still refuse to rely on anything but msm and newspapers and news magazines.


Calling BS on that. I was red pilled in the 1960's by folks my grandfather's age. They had been in WW1, had seen what happened to the bonus marcher's, had fought against the formation of the FED, had seen FDR gut the constitution, had seen the price of gold manipulated, had lived through Smedley Butler's exposure of the plot to overthrow the president.

It all came together for woke boomers with None Dare Call It Conspiracy and 20 years later The Creature From Jekyll Island. There's still a lot of unrepentant Birchers who saw the Murder of Larry McDonald for what it was. Lots of seniors on here been fighting this shit for more than 50 years. Don't sprain you arm patting yourself on the back for re-inventing the wheel.

Anonymous ID: f22060 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.4778221   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> boomers had comparatively little access to alternative accounts and narratives than subsequent generations.

You're conflating this with your dependence on media. Before the alternatives you have access to today (that are still somewhat controlled) when one saw the BS from the "networks" and turned them off they relied on their own interpretation of events. They used their eyes, ears, and minds. A woke person doesn't need any media to make up their mind.

That's the joy of this board, the best news aggregator/inquisitor available. Especially for those who go the extra mile and pay for the subscription service. It's cheaper than the LImbaugh Letter!

Anonymous ID: f22060 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:02 a.m. No.4778473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Thank God for President Trump the one sane mind in a generation of pathetic losers.

Had common core history too, eh? Try this one on for size:

"The John Birch Society formed on a frigid Monday morning in December 1958, when 11 of the nation’s richest businessmen braved single-digit temperatures to attend a mysterious meeting in suburban Indianapolis.


They had arrived at the behest of candy magnate Robert Welch, who had made a fortune with his caramel-on-a-stick confection known as the “Sugar Daddy,” and now intended to spend that money defeating the wide-slung Communist conspiracy he was certain had infiltrated the federal government. Welch had invited these men to Indianapolis without giving a reason, and asked them to stay for two days.


After exchanging firm handshakes in the breakfast room of a sprawling, Tudor-style house in the tony Meridian Park neighborhood, Welch explained why he had brought this group together: The United States faced an existential threat from an “international Communist conspiracy” hatched by an “amoral gang of sophisticated criminals.” The power-hungry, God-hating, government worshipers had infiltrated newsrooms, public schools, legislative chambers and houses of worship. They were frighteningly close to total victory—Welch felt it in his gut. “These cunning megalomaniacs seek to make themselves the absolute rulers of a human race of enslaved robots, in which every civilized trait has been destroyed,” Welch wrote in The Blue Book of the John Birch Society, the organization’s founding history."


THIS is what got the (Q)ball rolling, not the internet or aliens or plaedians. It was this that got Reagan elected, it was this that was the revolution of 1994, it was this that begat conservative talk radio, it was this that woke up those that would wake.

It was so dangerous to the cabal that they were willing to have their communist hirelings murder an entire plane full of passengers to kill the Congressman, Larry McDonald, leader of the JBS in order to try to stop the awakening of the masses.


This has been going on a long time, and is going to take more than a couple years to unfuck.