Im still not in jail goyim
This is the most worthless board on the net lmao
So what if your grandkids will all be black or muslim anon
At least Q and his jew friends made alot of money
Sorry you got tricked into suffering for israel anon
Its not your fault they told you that you were fighting for america
>It's 13 days until the scheduled SOTU. This is Pelosi trying to game Trump by claiming the gov't will still be shut down 2 weeks from now, so going ahead and disinviting him from giving it.
>Let's check back in a few daysโฆ
Stealth jew changed his name lmao
Trust sessions goyim
Trust the police goyim
Trump is on our side even tho he loves the mafia run police
Who are 90% scum
Yeah cuz its funny as fuck watching,you retards worship,the mossad
Ill be here till Q implodes laughing at you
Respect the people that enforce jew worlds orders goyim
Respect the millitary and police
If you sign up as a american merc thats on you
I dont think people should trash soldiers tho cuz most dont know what they are doing
My best friend works at safeway
He hates ebt day cuz all the niggers come in and buy steak with it
Muh starving moms
Yes goyim the jews want you to notice that niggers abuse ebt and you pay for it
When u realize the racists are mostly right
Go back to reddit
No they eont
They know the laws will keep them out of YOUR hands
So when that hispanic dude robs your house your family dies
Or when you riot like in france
Only the police have guns