I think he wants to compare/contrast his "party" versus the $65,000 Hussein spent on "hot dogs and pizza".
Guessing you were last born among siblings and didn't get nearly enough attention during your formative years.
Jewish boy approaches his father.
"Dad, can I borrow fifty dollars?"
"Forty dollars? What are you going to do with thirty dollars?"
Jewish guy pissing in a public urinal. Looks down, sees a shiny dime in the puddle of piss. Looks around, sees he's alone, fishes in his pocket, pulls out a quarter, drops it in and fishes out both coins.
Priest and Rabbi walking down the street. They pass a 12-year old boy.
Priest says, "I'd sure like to screw him."
Rabbi counters, "Out of what?"
Stupid fucking D Senators thinking laws will keep guns out of criminal's hands. Unreal.
I'd like to ask these legislature douche canoes one simple question:
"If an active shooter burst into your children's or grandchildren's school, would you prefer the teachers be armed or unarmed?"
Armed, ordinary, law-abiding citizens has kept this country free from military invasions for a couple hundred years.
Anyone know when the vote is due to be announced regarding Bill Barr's confirmation?