>>4770419 (PB)
But "her people" did not tell her to be a racist – she did that all on her own.
>>4770433 (PB)
If that ass and I ever cross paths, we're going to see if he can fight like a girl. The clerk did not "mis-gender" him – that's something he did to himself. He can call himself "Tiffany" all he wants, I refuse to buy into that level of craziness.
>>4770458 (PB)
The smart thing for BK to have done was to change their menu to include a "limited time only" special on "hamberders" dressed exactly as the President ordered them. But they aren't smart.
>>4770461 (PB)
Has he been neutered? If not, he can't run as a Democrat.
>>4770379 (PB)
I wonder if it could be done remotely … perhaps using an unguarded telemetry link?
>>4770396 (PB)
He's no more "special" than any other junkie. If he doesn't get his ass into detox, and SOON, I hope the cops do it for him.>>4770398 (PB)
Hitler did not, as nearly as I can tell, declare war on the US.
>>4770543 (PB)
Seriously best set of bewbs on here in the past year. FINALLY a set of knockers that aren't 5 sizes too big. Geez … I get SOOO tired of the walking milk trucks! Not fond of tats, but the rest is definitely down my alley!
>>4770545 (PB)
Or "adjuvant"?
>>4770735 (PB)
I have a suspicion the you are a "Real Lawfag" like I am a "Real Ninja". One thing I've learned about IRL Lawfags is that – unlike you – while they may be deluxe pricks, they are unusually literate deluxe pricks. They certainly don't leave out whole words when they are trying to make a written argument – and you left out two within the span of a single sentence. You gave good advice. You should take it.