This is actually a gift to POTUS if he handles it well, such as by dropping some big news a couple days in advance of the [oval office address]. Get everyone's attention, then give the SOTU directly to the American people.
The last post I saw about the President's son was a number of weeks ago, and it was tasteless and tacky too. Hands off.
"I'd like to strengthen gun control so there is no active shooter to burst into the school."
If you can't anticipate the counterargument, don't make the argument until you can.
See you next bread, shill.
This is the really clever thing about using mentally ill people in MKUltra school shootings. They are not what most people think of as criminals, and their guns can be taken away without too much complaint. Speaking of "amazingly insane."
USED = United States Education Department
It's called cognitive dissonance. When you are exposed to information that runs contrary to strongly held beliefs, you become very anxious and reject the new information. If it makes you anxious enough, you avoid its source.