Anonymous ID: 45a11c Jan. 16, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.4780935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0960 >>0976

But one of the most untampered with sections within that book is Revelations because no one, number one, understood it–and still do not, and number two, God gave the law down and He said, "anyone who tampers with and adds to or takes from, is in real serious trouble." And since they couldn't understand it, anyway, it was easier to

leave it than run that risk. So the Book of Revelations is pretty much John's vision as given to him.


Is every word of it true? Absolutely not. For, number one, it was a vision. Number two, it has been translated and, for instance, where it talks of a thousand years, and a year, etc., the terminology is incorrect. The counting was different. The intent of the length of the cycle was different than a thousand years. But it was sufficient to give you an idea. You're waiting for the ending times in the Armageddon and you cannot quite equate these two magnificent series of events.


I want you to listen to several things. I want you to be open in your minds, go within, get connected to your Source. I want that mental, I want that mind connected to God.


Please, it's time you ones stopped playing games and come into your purpose. You must begin to recognize that it is both closer to home than you remembered; it is not

going to be the tribes that you suspect because as history moves, so do circumstances and I want you to hold both the past and the present status of some countries on your globe uppermost in your mind as we go through some of these revelations. I call them revelations because this is where the seven angels come to pour the vials and it is incredibly important that you ones begin to get the players straight.

Anonymous ID: 45a11c Jan. 16, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.4780969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0979 >>1010

I told you–I've given you a major, major hint as to how things will come down and that will be through the thirteenth, not the twelve tribes of Israel. It will come through the thirteenth who proclaim themselves Jews. We are going back and we are going to call them Nords. These ones were from the Nordic Races, a cross between the Mongol and the Nordic tribes. They were absolutely the meanest creatures ever put on Earth, and can you imagine what it would be like when they met the Vikings? And they did! And it was some show. That should be a clue right off the top to let you realize that it is not as you thought it was. As we read through the words, I want you to think of the Nations that have outreached the rest and now benignly control your country financially through the banks–and do not confuse them at this point with the Zionists. Their purpose is different. Global control is prevalent in both but you're going to have to recognize your enemies because your enemies have seeped in until they have eaten the foundation of your nation. We're going to speak of things like Armageddon. But it's over. You are here, but its over.


I want you to come to the recognition within self as we go over this and you will come into the knowledge that now you remember. It won't be clear. Don't misunderstand me, it will not be clear. And you will still wonder who is doing this and who is doing that but I am telling you now that you are not moving into the cycle that you believe you are. You have already passed through that cycle once. It's called the First Death. The First Resurrection. And the children of God, if you will, then traveled to other planets, other places, to be trained to accept your final mission of coming back into this place for the end of what they called the "Thousand Years".


You are not looking forward to that thousand years of beautiful peace. The world passed it. Unto the time where Satan was loosed from the pit, for a brief period of time, and he would again rule because man will not have learned his lessons, as you look and see, and this is the final death. This is the Second Death referred to and this is why all the talk of rapture because that is the perception mankind remembers and therefore he thinks that he is going to take off to the skies somewhere. No, that is not what God said.

Anonymous ID: 45a11c Jan. 16, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.4780984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now, does that mean that you're not going to smoke, drink or carouse? Forget it. Let's not even talk about these things; you are human beings, and of course you would. But you're brought back here as volunteers from that first "Resurrection". You have a job to do with the mop up crew, remember?


Satan was loosed. Again he came upon the land and now you're moving into the final Armageddon, if you will, but, it does not have to be. But you see what is unfolding in the Middle East is right along with the prophecies, as written. Man has this tendency to insist that his doom comes about himself. I want you to hear this knowing that you know it all. You know who the players are and you truly know that which has to be done to

change. You know why you are here. You don't quite have it all workable yet. Your spiritual understanding will come the ancient teachers, Grandfather's Tribes, the Bird Tribes, the Eagle, the Little Crow, and you ones. Man has to be shown the way before the final death. Before the final resurrection. God promised that man would know. If he closes his ears, that's his business. If he closes his eyes, that's his business. Yours is to print it and get it out there and you reach man in many ways. Clint reaches them through poetry, and the truth of the land, and the knowledge of the Indians and the sharing of that intermediariness between the ancients and you over here, you honky white eyes, because you're all one and you can't quite understand it because you are fragmented. But you will become one, unified. And you're it.

Anonymous ID: 45a11c Jan. 16, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.4781005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You're stuck with it. You accepted it, you volunteered. And I don't know how to break it to you easily. Because I hear you speaking of the Revelations. I see you seeing what is going on and I see the pain as you see the lies being fed to you, and yet everything was told to you that it would be exactly this way and where it would be this way.

I'm talking about location. I've hounded you for two years that it would be in the Middle East. I wonder how many of you looked at a map so that you know exactly what is going on over there? Do you know where the Euphrates River is, for instance? Do you know where Syria is in relationship to Israel? It's adjacent and Israel went over and took the Golan Heights which is Syria. Hold in your heart where Jordan is, Iraq, Iran. These are basically in the Holy Land, the Ancient Holy Land. But, you can know that it will happen there and you can know that it happened there already because it said Babylon will fall and it will be split into three, and an earthquake will come and will render it

split into thirds. And if you look up that river valley, where that fault line goes, it makes a "Y"; it splits into three.


It's over. It happened. You are born to go through it again because it is a repeat for the Second Resurrection. Now I will be quiet while Oberli reads that, and I want you to keep your minds open, because you are going to have some revelations here right now. (Revelations, Chapter 16, Verse 1)

Anonymous ID: 45a11c Jan. 16, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.4781029   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And I heard a mighty voice shouting from the temple to the seven angels, "Now go your ways and empty out the seven flasks of the wrath of God upon the earth."

So the first angel left the temple and poured out his flask over the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the Creature and was worshiping his statue.


The second angel poured out his flask upon the oceans, and they became like the watery blood of a dead man; and everything in all the oceans died.

The third angel poured out his flask upon the rivers and springs and they became blood.

And I heard this angel of the waters declaring, "You are just in sending this judgment, O Holy One, who is and was, for your saints and prophets have been martyred and their blood poured out upon the earth; and now, in turn, you have poured out the blood of those who murdered them; it is their just reward."