But one of the most untampered with sections within that book is Revelations because no one, number one, understood it–and still do not, and number two, God gave the law down and He said, "anyone who tampers with and adds to or takes from, is in real serious trouble." And since they couldn't understand it, anyway, it was easier to
leave it than run that risk. So the Book of Revelations is pretty much John's vision as given to him.
Is every word of it true? Absolutely not. For, number one, it was a vision. Number two, it has been translated and, for instance, where it talks of a thousand years, and a year, etc., the terminology is incorrect. The counting was different. The intent of the length of the cycle was different than a thousand years. But it was sufficient to give you an idea. You're waiting for the ending times in the Armageddon and you cannot quite equate these two magnificent series of events.
I want you to listen to several things. I want you to be open in your minds, go within, get connected to your Source. I want that mental, I want that mind connected to God.
Please, it's time you ones stopped playing games and come into your purpose. You must begin to recognize that it is both closer to home than you remembered; it is not
going to be the tribes that you suspect because as history moves, so do circumstances and I want you to hold both the past and the present status of some countries on your globe uppermost in your mind as we go through some of these revelations. I call them revelations because this is where the seven angels come to pour the vials and it is incredibly important that you ones begin to get the players straight.