Daily Reminder that what people think is the Temple Mount is really the remains of the Roman Fort Antonius, and that the real temple was not located on the mound, but about 800 feet west and south of the mound, in the City of David.
Jesus is God, yes. Welcome to Reality 101.
It gives them a bulletproof defense in the PC culture the clowns created. Any attack against them is automatically homophobia.
Rush has been trying to fight Leviathan for decades, and he finally has his champion in Trump.
Correct. War chest. Then you pretend to spend it on future races.
Kind begets kind. God begets God. Jesus being the only begotten Son of God, Jesus is God. Why do you think the very religious Jews tried to kill Jesus when he claimed to be the son of God? Because they knew he was claiming God as his natural father, and was therefore claiming he was God. Jesus confirmed as the eternal God the Son.
I do, actually, and usually use the term "born again Christian" so as not to confuse people into thinking I'm talking about a group of people that includes catholics, orthodox, etc.
Have I not said, you are a genius? /sarcasm off
I see what you see.
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
The NIV is a shit translation of Isaiah fyi.
Who do you think the cabal's footsoldiers are, and why do you not think they are being deployed here?
Trump created more jobs than they need. Your false concern is noted.
So, 3 days.
It encompasses none of it, and is irrelevant to it, but for a minor amount of persecution that will be remembered no more, and that forever.
So your position is that Jesus did not believe that Jesus was God?
Note, tho, that even though Paul told Christians that circumcision is unnecessary to convert, that Paul circumcised Timothy so that Timothy would not have a barrier in speaking the gospel to Jews.
You were born, once, in water, through your mother's birth canal. That's being born in the flesh.
Being born in the Spirit means that the Spirit of God is allowed to enter into you, and resurrect you to eternal life.
Being born of water and the Spirit is being "born again".
I have glory in heaven awaiting me; what's awaiting you?
If you think about it, it wouldn't take years to resolve the non-essential workers being furloughed and fired, because if it did, they'd all have other jobs.
Caller is probably one of us.
Maybe now you know Jesus wasn't really calling them gods, and if you cared to dig into it, you'd find he was calling them judges, yet without the ability to judge the matter.
I know what awaits me, sure. Arrogant? I don't see it. I don't recall ever saying I deserved it.
Also note: people at papermills are productive workers, unlike process government non-essential personnel who do absolutely nothing productive, ever.
It gained prominence then, but the men who started the movement were there when Jesus was there. John speaks of them as never being true believers, but only onlookers:
1 John 2
Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.
This refers to the early gnostics, who dened that Jesus came down from heaven in the flesh. They were created at the same time Christians were; Christians believed Jesus rose bodily from the dead; gnostics did not believe Jesus was God in the flesh.
Which devil do you pray to? Jah-bu-lon?
This is great!
Yes, Jesus Christ indeed.
Jesus refused to play by their made up rules, and was far more popular and powerful than they were, and a direct threat to the life of the nation. "Better for one man to die, than the nation." t. Caiphus, iirc.
In any other case, he would have been correct. In this case, he was dead wrong.
satanic nonsense
And correctly so, as they are not.
nope. originated after the resurrection, Nisan 17, 32 AD. Because by definition it denies that Jesus bodily rose from the dead, as God could not be contained in a fleshly vehicle, per the gnostic god, satan.
When Thomas bowed to the risen Christ Jesus and said ""My Lord and my God!", did Jesus rebuke him?
I know you're trying your hardest to shill, but at least try to get something right.
Everything properly in the bible is true; therefore, anything that contradicts anything properly in the bible is false. So simple.
With what knife are you going to cut God from God?
Christians are christians; we don't have to act like Christians. People who are not Christians have to act like Christians. Easy peasy.
What's that in real money? About tree fiddy?
Prove it.
Why not chalk it up to your own ignorance?
So, no proof forthcoming. So, so unexpected.
What is necessarily false about a vision, and why do you think John only had a vision? Do you think John lied about being taken to the third heaven and shown things, and declaring that he saw and heard things with his own eyes and ears?
John the Revelator is a liar?
The government expert for the Vaccine Courts has flipped, and said that absolutely some of the vaccines cause autism in some children. They promptly fired him, of course, and continued to make the same representations that he was still on their side. Turns out government people lie a lot.
That letter from a "Senior Official" of the Trump Administration is devastating to the deep state/civil service traitors.
Oh, okay, sure. Who should I look up on facebook to see if they're an American?
satanic rubbish. The tribe of Joseph was split in half, Manassah and Ephraim, both half-tribes, and the tribe of Joseph still remains, so there are 13 tribes, technically, but it has nothing to do with the descendants of Japeth, the Nords.
Gnosticism is the belief that Jesus is not the Christ, and not the Son of God, and not risen from the dead.
Believers can know now.
Same people, different bread.
What a great post! Should recommend for Notable!
Never. The gnostics never looked to Jesus; they look for the occult, the hidden, the super secret wisdom of the ages, of the universe, whatever. They deny Jesus is God, and are therefore damned. In fact, they're following the devil's first lie on earth; by your knowledge of good and evil, you can be like God.
Love me some Matt Slick.