1 \ I published today on @newsisrael13 new details about the Trump administration's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. The info is from a briefing given by a US official to a small group 2 weeks ago . I obtained the notes of 1 of the attendees in the briefing. Here are the details:
2 \ According to the briefing notes the U.S. plan will include a Palestinian state on a territory which will be "more than double the size of area A and area B" in the West Bank which the PA controls today. This will bring the size of the Palestinian state to 85-90% of the WB
3 \ On top of that the plan will also include the principal of land swaps between Israel and the Palestinians to accommodate for some of the territory in the West Bank which will become part of Israel. It is unclear how big the swaps will be
4 \ The U.S. peace plan divides settlements to 3 groups: Settlement blocks, where most settlers live & will become part of Israel; Isolated settlements will not be evacuated but will not be allowed to be expanded; outposts that are illegal according to Israeli law will be removed
5 \ According to the briefing notes the U.S. plan will make Jerusalem a shared capital. The capital of Israel will be in West Jerusalem and parts of East Jerusalem. The capital of Palestine will be in parts of East Jerusalem & include the majority of the Palestinian neighborhoods
6 \ The Holy Basin which includes The old city, the Temple Mount and its immediate surroundings will stay under Israeli sovereignty. The religious status quo will continue and Palestinians, Jordanians and maybe other parties will be given a role in running the holy sites
7 \ According to the notes, the U.S. official stressed in the briefing that the White House peace team thinks the Palestinians will reject the plan out of hand but wants Israel not to reject it and show willingness to engage
8 \ A senior White House official told me: "As in the past, speculation with regards to the content of the plan is not accurate. We have no further comment". END