Oh buddy, notably ignorant, and so are some of the commentators...
Gnostics were a greek cult that proceeded Christianity and believed that what is physical is corrupt and evil. That humanity is basically good as a spirit, but evil because of flesh.
Any action performed by these luciferian twats to help the physical was evil. So eventually they died out due to starvation. Yes, eating food or water was evil.
Yes, luciferian... Lucifer rejected God's plan of God becoming a man and declared that if God was going to become a man, then "I will become like the most high" in spirit alone. Lucifer believed the physical world was beneath him, and if God was going to join it, he would become God. So Mic-ha-el (translated from Hebrew means "Who is like God?") cried out his name. Then Ga-bri-el (translated from Hebrew means "I will speak for God") spoke his name.
Make no mistake, Jesus was not gnostic, nor the apostles. Those are lies from one twisted angel himself. Those ideas are antithetical to the incarnation.