Anyone want to know how the false flag shootings are done by psychiatrists?
Look up the experiment with Meyersberg and Stokes. The subject was Ivan Santiago.
They subjected around a hundred people to hypnosis, then kept weeding people out based on how weak the trance was. Once Santiago got into an ice cold pool and thought it was a warm bath, they New is nervous system was so strongly hypnotized that he would be selected.
HE was told he was NOT selected, but to come in to do like a “debrief”. They put him under hypnosis, and told him a bad man outside carrying a red binder was violent and needed to be erased. When the cue was given he was to walk out to a motorcycle and unpack a gun from the bag and shoot him. The gun had blanks and the “bad man” was an actor with blood bags pretending to be a dignitary. He was told he would not remember anything after it happened. He did it. Despite being a normal guy with a family and no criminal history because he was so strongly hypnotized. He obv freaked the fuck out when he woke up with a gun in his hand and a dead guy in front of him and cops and cameras. He didn’t know wtf happened.
This study is real. So imagine Cruz, Lanza type that is already predisposed towards violence etc.
Eye opening to understanding FF.