Ignore the harpy that insisted RIFs were off the table. Even if they were, there are obscure Sunsetting acts, all kinda tools and methods to dissolve wasteful spending.
Yeah, nothing like the demented Jezebel who whispered into W's ear, 'startling' him. I hope every minute of every day is pure anguish and humiliation for her.
Hysterical no! no! NO RIFS!! shills in 3..2..1
>"I took an arrow to the knee"
'Some ol' boy back on the East Coast wondering "why don't she write"'
I think Dark to Light is Dec 21 (solstice) then Jan 21 (superbright full moon). Everything's habbening in this time frame.
This is a conveyor broiler/oven, sets up in about an hour. You can run ribeyes, pizzas, burgers, lobster, hotwings anything and just pluck it up to your plate as it comes out. You can skip the buns, salad, and just wallow in delicious fresh roasted meats and pies.
Those boys were not mistreated.