Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.4781133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1259


So Q told us that bakers were to collect digs and news. Baker school says the same


Yet you rarely put the news in. When asked you say: "I choose to only focus on digs and chat between Anon's"




Is this operation about you?


Is it about "I" or WE?

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1 p.m. No.4781163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1188 >>1215 >>1657 >>1819

A Turkish 'Security Zone' In Northeast Syria Is A Bad Idea


U.S. President Trump wants U.S. troops to leave northeast Syria. His National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tried to sabotage that move. Trump came up with idea to hand northeast Syria to Turkey, but soon was told that Turkey would fight the Kurdish YPK/PKK who the U.S. armed and used as proxy force against the Islamic State.


Turkey has no interest in fighting the Islamic State or in occupying Raqqa and other Arabic ethnic cities along the Euphrates. Its only interest is to prevent the formation of an armed Kurdish entity that could threaten its soft southern underbelly. It thus came up with the idea of a "security zone" in Syria that it would occupy to keep the Kurds away from its borders.


But that border strip is exactly where the major Kurdish settlements are. Ayn al-Arab, in Kurdish 'Kobane', and many other cities along the border all have largely Kurdish populations. These would certainly fight against a Turkish occupation. Turkey also wants to control the Manbij area west of the Euphrates.


Russia will not allow Turkish control of more Syrian land:


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday the Syrian regime must take control of the country's north, after calls from the United States to set up a Turkish-controlled "security zone" in the area.


"We are convinced that the best and only solution is the transfer of these territories under the control of the Syrian government, and of Syrian security forces and administrative structures," Lavrov told reporters.


The Kurdish organizations and the Syrian government also also reject the Turkish plan:


“Syria affirms that any attempt to target its unity will be considered as a clear aggression and an occupation of its territories as well as a support and protection for the international terrorism by Turkey,” [an official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry] said.

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.4781185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1192

Amid Internal Investigation Over Leaks to Media, the Center for American Progress Fires Two Staffers


The Center for American Progress fired two staffers suspected of being involved in leaking an email exchange that staffers thought reflected improper influence by the United Arab Emirates within the think tank, according to three sources with knowledge of the shake-up. Both staffers were investigated for leaking the contents of an internal email exchange to The Intercept, but neither of the former employees was The Intercept’s source.


One of those fired, Ken Gude, was a senior national security staffer. He worked at CAP since 2003 and previously served as the progressive think tank’s chief of staff. The notion that he would have leaked the exchange just doesn’t square with his time at CAP, said one of the sources close to the situation. “Ken loves CAP and has dedicated 15 years of his life to the organization,” said the source. “He is a consummate team player who will raise whatever concerns he has through proper channels, but at the end of the day, he’s on board with the team.”


A CAP spokesperson acknowledged two employees were fired as a result of the leak investigation, but said that the leak was not the reason they were fired: “We are not going to discuss internal personnel matters, but no one was fired at CAP for leaking or whistleblowing.” Internally, however, multiple members of CAP leadership have used the leak as the leading rationale for the firings in multiple settings, sources said. Gude did not return requests for comment.

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.4781246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1305 >>1373


Russia has the goods on Turkey with regard to all their ISIS support and oil theft from Syria so I think they are just throwing mud at the wall seeing what they can get away with. Russia hasn't forgotten their fighter jet that Turkey shot down in 2015!!!

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.4781261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1319 >>1738

AG Nominee Barr May Swing Anti-Trust Hammer At Amazon, Facebook And Google


President Trump's nominee for Attorney General, William Barr, signaled during his confirmation hearing on Tuesday that he may put the screws to tech monopolies.


When asked by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) whether he thought antitrust laws were there "to protect consumers," Barr responded that he is interested in "reassessing" Justice Department antitrust policies when it comes to tech giants.


"Yes, I mean generally that’s where I stand that is the purpose of anti-trust law obviously is to protect competition and competition ultimately that rebounds to consumer benefits. At the same time, I’m sort of interested in stepping back and reassessing or learning more about how the anti-trust division has been functioning and what their priorities are. I don’t think big is necessarily bad, but I think a lot of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of anti-trust enforcers."

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.4781274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1411





>Anon, we deal in facts here. General complaints read either as shilling or needing to have our ways explained. If you have a complaint, for example with notables, plz be specific, with links, about which notes you want in or out, and provide reasoned explanation for why.



Fuck off I've done that several times and you just ignore or say repost then ignore. History will show what kind of person you are!

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.4781291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump’s wish to take the US out of NATO leaves NeoCons seething


The US President has seen the truth of the irrelevance of NATO, but there is enormous resistance to change.


Tucker Carlson, Fox News and Russian and American news outlets alike have picked up the story that US President Donald Trump has on numerous occasions, opined that the United States would do well to depart from the North Atlantic Military Organization, or NATO.


This wish caused enormous fury and backlash from those opposed, which, oddly enough include both Democrats and Republicans. Their anger and alarm over this idea is such that the media networks through much of the US are alive with the idea of impeaching the President or bringing 25th Amendment proceedings against him for insanity!


Tucker Carlson, as usual, nailed it.


NATO was formed to make Western Europe secure in the face of a perceived Soviet threat. In 1991, the USSR collapsed and the threat of Ivan the Communist bad guy collapsed with it.


But 28 years later, NATO is still here. And, why?


Well, many “experts” continue to point at Russia as a threat, though after that statement no one seems honestly able to elucidate precisely how Russia would, in fact, threaten any nation, take over it, or conquer the world. Indeed, if anyone seems to understand the perversity of being in charge of the whole world, it seems to be Russia, as expressed by politician and LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (see how this is so here).


Zhironovsky observed that China is the other nation that is running at full force, but viewing the problems the US is having with being the leader of the world, China stops short of trying to attain this position itself. The question becomes “What does a nation that rules the world actually do then?”


President Trump appears to be seeing the same question, or some similar variant based on the same theme. NATO serves no constructive purpose anymore. Despite the conflicts in Ukraine and Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Israel and Syria, there simply are no great threats in the world as it stands today. While there are certainly still wars, none of these wars represents an existential threat to the United States.


Why wouldn’t a US leader want out? In fact, there is further no existential threat to Europe from any present war, nor is there a threat from Russia itself. In fact, Russia has been entering into business relations with many European countries who wish to buy cheap and easily available Russian natural gas. Turkey purchased an S-400 antimissile system in addition to its US made Patriot battery.

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.4781367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1418 >>1657 >>1819

Cabalist Erdogan is baiting POTUS, ironic how supposed enemies Turkey and Israel both want the US to stay in Syria!


Erdogan Says Manbij Attack Will Not Impact Trump’s Decision To Withdraw From Syria


Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan revealed that 25 people, including 5 U.S. soldiers, were killed in the recent terrorist attack in the northern Syrian city of Manbij.


“The information I have is news pointing toward that there are five U.S. soldiers and 20 died in total,” the Turkish president said during a news conference with his Croatian counterpart in Ankara on January 16, according to the Reuters news agency.


Erdogan added that he does not believe that the attack will impact U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw American troops from Syria because he saw “honorable Trump’s determination on this point.”


“The attack could be meant to dissuade the U.S. from leaving Syria,” the Anadolu Agency quoted Erdogan as saying.


Earlier, the US-led coalition confirmed that U.S. several members were killed in the attack, which was carried out by ISIS cells. The coalition refused to provide the exact number of casualties. However, a U.S. official told Reuters that 4 U.S. service members were killed and three other were injured.


In his comment on the incident, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) spokesman condemned “the vicious terrorist attack” and said that US-backed forces will continue its war on ISIS.


“We’d like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of soldiers and American people. We will keep fighting hard to ensure stability and security in this region,” Mustafa Bali said on Twitter.


The SDF will likely take advantage of the attack to promote the need of U.S military presence in northeastern Syria. However, it appears that Erdogan, who has been in talks with Trump on a safe zone in the region, is confident that Washington will not reverse the decision.


We know: Bilal Erdogan sells ISIS oil to Israel

ISIS Oil Trade Full Frontal: "Raqqa's Rockefellers", Bilal Erdogan, KRG Crude, And The Israel Connection

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.4781577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Gaza slaughter, Obama officials met with Israeli generals to counter ‘poisonous’ Goldstone Report and get ‘Israeli story out’


This is the tenth anniversary of “Cast Lead,” Israel’s three-week-long onslaught on Gaza that took nearly 1,400 lives, 318 of them children, and that as much as anything helped shift the American view of the conflict and caused progressives to side with Palestinians.


During those three weeks of horrifying images, President-elect Obama had nothing critical to say and Israel did him a favor in return: it ended the bombing/invasion two days before he was inaugurated.


Then in September 2009 the UN Human Rights Council issued a bombshell of its own, the Goldstone Report, which documented war crimes and possible crimes against humanity during the campaign, chiefly the Israeli pattern of deliberately striking civilian targets, including schools, mosques, homes, and a flour mill and a chicken farm.


The Obama administration worked to stymie the report at international bodies, and in the end the report went nowhere (defused by its author, Judge Richard Goldstone, who under huge pressure from his own community retracted the allegation that civilians were intentionally targeted).


The greatest impact the Goldstone report had was its first impression, on international opinion. Now a State Department cable has been leaked in which US diplomatic officials are shown to have met with seven Israeli generals over two days in January 2010 to discuss ways to counter the “poisonous” Goldstone Report.


The cable shows how closely Obama officials were working with alleged war criminals to counter Israel’s bad press and help Israel “tell its story” and show the “lessons learned” from the massacre.


“It shows how vulnerable Israel can be to public opinion,” Norman Finkelstein, the author of Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom, writes to me. “It’s not been noticed that Israel ceased using white phosphorus after Cast Lead because of the bad p.r… They do worry about public opinion. That’s why I’m skeptical when people say, ‘Israel can do whatever it wants.’ Not true.”


Finkelstein also notes the role of an Obama aide as a general-whisperer: Michael Posner, then assistant secretary for democracy, human rights, and labor.

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.4781628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1686


Did you know it was a Jew who said:


'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' are fake!


Funny how this FAKE document from 120 years ago reads like a blueprint for the last 120 years!!!


The more you know!







Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.4781658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1819

Eight-Times Deported Illegal Alien Caught With $850,000 of Meth and Cocaine in His Car


They’re not sending their best.


Utah County police arrested 44-year-old Jose Olegario Lopez over the weekend and found 19 pounds of illegal drugs in his car.


Police officers tried to pull over Lopez on January 12th over a traffic violation but when Lopez refused to pull over, a team of officers pursued him and eventually stopped him.


Officers and a K9 searched Lopez’s car and discovered bags of cocaine and meth, valued at approximately $856,000.


According to police, Jose Olegario Lopez is from Sinaloa, Mexico, and has been deported from the United States eight different times.


Lopez also has ties to large drug trafficking operations outside of Utah, reported KUTV.


Drug trafficking is one of the many reasons President Trump is working to secure the southern border.


For the first time ever opioids killed more than car crashes in the United States last year and the Democrats still don’t support border security.

Anonymous ID: dbf334 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.4781691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1819

NSC Swears US policy on Israel’s Nukes Is Legit


DOJ argues using secrecy to cover up wrongdoing is permissible


Releasing secret presidential letters that promise not to officially recognize Israel’s nuclear weapons program or pressure Israel to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons would harm US national security. So claimed John P. Fitzpatrick, Senior Director of the Information Security Management Directorate at the National Security Council in a December 18, 2018 affidavit submitted to DC federal court.


The affidavit supports a motion by the National Archives and Records Administration to dismiss a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking two of four letters signed by incoming US presidents – under intense pressure by Israel’s government – to maintain a Nixon-era policy of "strategic ambiguity" towards Israel’s nuclear weapons program.


Staff writer for The New Yorker Adam Entous revealed on June 18 that starting with Bill Clinton four sitting US presidents all signed secret letters agreeing to never publicly discuss Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal. According to Entous, President Trump’s aides felt “blindsided” and angered by Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer’s urgent demand to sign a fourth letter. Only a small number of “senior American officials” in the previous three administrations even knew about the existence of such letters, according to Entous.


The NSC and NARA are attempting to dismiss a lawsuit seeking release of the letters by claiming the very fact of the existence (or nonexistence) of such letters would inherently be classified – and that therefore no search for responsive documents need be performed. Since FOIA courts readily defer to agency affidavits asserting irreparable harm to national security – provided such affidavits are specific enough – the NSC also provided a written justification.


Fitzgerald claimed that confirming or denying the existence of the letters could result in "sowing doubt about the US commitment to the Nonproliferation Treaty…eliminating strategic ambiguity…revealing information shared with an expectation of confidentiality; undermining US government policy limiting the potential for an arms race in a particular region…suggesting differential treatment; and revealing the relationship (or absence of such a relationship) with foreign intelligence agencies."