I had a horrible thought. What if Bohemian Grove, The Skull and Bones Society, the Bilderberg Group, the media, and the NEA were all connected and using techniques developed by the CIA in the MKUltra and other mind control projects. It would certainly explain why America is currently so messed up.
Yea like you idiots have had any real proof. Time for sauce. Help me connect them with real evidence. Alex Jones is not the only one who can crawl around in the dark in the woods and get real evidence. He can't be trusted anymore and I am not sure if anyone ever can be.
BTW Not a new fag. I am not seeing much real evidence. We can do better. Q can't do it all for us.
No most of you idiots are running around fighting with each other and fighting over the so called Jews. There is very little actionable evidence here. Not a newfag! Just getting tired of very little real work being done. We can and should do better. I will be.
Pride goeth before the fall. (you) can do better. Stop being distracted by shills and do some real digging. Actionable evidence is the key. Join them. Infiltrate them. Get covert cameras and other recording devices and record them. We need to take our country back. Q+ can't do it all.