More cabal secrets are being revealed in evey week of the TV series Marvel's Runaways
Last week we learned that the black Wiccan priestess and the light-bearing daugher of Lucifer of the Church of Nephilim are united in preaching LOVEand TEAMWORK.
This is Q's message.
Do not let them divide us by religion.
UNITYis the way forward.
Division comes from ignorance.
But ignorance can be cured by education, by knowledge, so each and every one of us must DIG and LEARN to be prepared.
When people are told that they cannot HATE anymore, but must LOVE THEIR NEIGHBORS, every last one of them, no exceptions, this will put 99% of the people in the hospital iunless we are there to guide them..
The hardest hit will be religious people who think that because they read scriptures and can preach, they are exempt from the LAWSOFLOVE. Sorry, it does not work like that!!!