Anonymous ID: 554669 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.4782034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2045 >>2053 >>2081 >>2115

>>4781116 lb


Now we know who P is. We know who is at the top of the pyramid. We know who is the top leadership of the Illuminati. Sit down and brace yourself because this knowledge could put 99% of you in the hospital.


P = Psychotherapists.

The Psychologists and Psychotherapists rule the world. They are the heads of the cult of con artists. They are the wealthiest people in the world, controlling billionaires and peasants alike.

Anonymous ID: 554669 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.4782183   🗄️.is 🔗kun



More cabal secrets are being revealed in evey week of the TV series Marvel's Runaways


Last week we learned that the black Wiccan priestess and the light-bearing daugher of Lucifer of the Church of Nephilim are united in preaching LOVEand TEAMWORK.


This is Q's message.

Do not let them divide us by religion.

UNITYis the way forward.



Division comes from ignorance.

But ignorance can be cured by education, by knowledge, so each and every one of us must DIG and LEARN to be prepared.


When people are told that they cannot HATE anymore, but must LOVE THEIR NEIGHBORS, every last one of them, no exceptions, this will put 99% of the people in the hospital iunless we are there to guide them..


The hardest hit will be religious people who think that because they read scriptures and can preach, they are exempt from the LAWSOFLOVE. Sorry, it does not work like that!!!

Anonymous ID: 554669 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.4782346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Abyone else find it odd that the Israeli Security Intelligence Services changed their name to Mossad around the time the caliphate started calling themselves ISIS?


And I really wonder if Israel is just a puppet of the Iranians. They gave us a clue when they used the same name as a former Prime Minister of Iran, Mosaddegh. I think this means that the Pharisees (Farsis) (Persians) are behind it all.


Babylon was a city in Persia where the Hebrew slaves were taken and the Talmud was written.


P = Persia or the Pharisees.


Think of it. Could a tiny country like Israel have nuclear? Or is it just a big con, by their Persian puppetmasters to give Iran the justification to develop their own nuclear. Why is Iran at the center of things ALL THE TIME? Hitler's Aryan program was all about Iranian ancestry. The Romans kicked the Israelites out of Judea and most disappeared from history into the Persian empire until they suddenly reappear to the north in Khazaria. Their nemesis is the Rusd, whose anxestors are the Antes, a Persion people who left Persia to go to the ENDS of the Earth, ANTES in Persian. This land called U KRAINA in slavic, is where the RUS empire began as the Antes made friends with the Viking Rus pirates on the island in the Dnieper at Kiev, the Magyars of king Lebed, The Chechens under SHCHOK the Snow Leopard, and the Croats or Horvaths, people fo the sickle and grain fields.