Anonymous ID: 2969b9 Jan. 16, 2019, 3:16 p.m. No.4782804   🗄️.is 🔗kun


our so-called 'military' and 'leo' of course have all the courage in the world to go after us.

Not so much for gang rapist muslims and shitskins they admire so much.

Great deal of courage in killing those on the defensive and trying to survive.

Nothing for those who are truly under danger and willing to do anything to fight.


Keep up your threats against the good people, keep your fucking dogs and stooges to attack people.

At some point, even your own pawns will become tired of your cowardice.

None really believe you or your kind anyway anymore. Q has no idea or is unwilling to face how bad the situation is. We do not say what we say without reason.

We refuse to jump into oblivion, and 'help' that Q promised us was nothing but a subjective illusory self-delusion.

In the end, they are cowards. They help all but us.



I fucking wish. I really do. You decide.

Too many are losing hope and we have lost too many good people.

Because we deserve to be thrown into the dust bin of history, none of our anger and griviences addressed. None of the REAL crimes against us gets any revenge, any justice.

Nothing that is being done to US, against our will,, is important to Q. Only 'morals' that bend knee to reality that our enemies dictate to Q.

Sick isn't the word. Treasonous and deceptive is the only appropriate adjective. People's basic natural foundations are being raped, violated, and destroyed. Q does nothing but helps our enemies. No justice for us. Everyone is worthy of Q's intervention but our 'losers' who get nothing but Q's contempt.




Results are all that matters.

I didn't want to say this.

But it's too far gone now and Q needs to change course if they want America to survive and revive itself.

White people. God help us apparently we are too racist.

Q would gladly pal around with muslim rapists and jewish scum that prey after his own. Because they are too much of a coward to face up to their enemies and crush them.

Nothing being done for us in our nation against our enemies. Nothing.

We will need to start acting, and Q should not kill his own.


Anonymous ID: 2969b9 Jan. 16, 2019, 3:22 p.m. No.4782871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fake news?

I witness what they do to us every day.

I have to bear with knowing what goes on in both sides of the fence every day.

Q had a chance to put em down.

POTUS wanted to.

Was it the fucking 'three'?

In the end these are just self-serving elitist cowards who hold nothing but contempt for those who are left out in the cold. They hold more contempt for us than for those who attack us.

I wish it was just msm. just fake news.

lowest denominator that Q holds in such mighty contempt is what we will have to salvage and help afterwards.

We did what we had to do in order to live. To not be bothered, to be free.

Q spits on us all and holds to standards that do not exist any longer in reality.

They are delusional, and they are getting us killed.

Emotions play no part, only our knowledge that Q holds us in deep contempt, and do not fully understand or face what we are fighting.