Anonymous ID: 3ff38c Jan. 16, 2019, 3:14 p.m. No.4782774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2816 >>2819

A lot of us who are fed up get called shills, but the few who are ready for Maga riots or other vigilante violence are typing angry posts instead of putting on a yellow vest and actually shooting any agents of Soros. That does need to happen, but who will go first? Seems they're waiting for Q+ to promise a presidential pardon or diplomatic immunity. Actually, that needs to be given to every adult born on American soil who isn't on Q's shit list.

You Qanons don't heed prophecy, even what comes from proven sources. But I know what's coming. No matter what any of us does or doesn't, WW3 will go hot, Putin will nuke us, we will nuke him, the Chinese will invade our West coast, and by the time WW3 ends, every nation will have revolutionary wars. Then the 6-7 year buildup to WW4 which closes at Ar Megiddo.

Americans will fight not north vs south, nor Rep vs Dem, not lib vs conservative, not race vs race, but for food. As WW3 winds down and the shroom clouds disperse, there won't be much food left.

The purpose of prophecy is so that when it comes true, you'll remember the source was correct, and you'll heed the source for what's next.

Right now, I'm giving POTUS 5 more days to fire some feds.

I have a yellow vest, a weapon, and a civilian flag. I just need a target and a precedent. I can make my own opportunity.

Anonymous ID: 3ff38c Jan. 16, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.4783098   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We the People don't owe anybody anything. The U.S.CORPORATION owes us over $21T, which Trump plans to default on, rather than reactivating A4V, despite stealing our crude oil. The CORPORATION assumed our debts to get our gold back in 1933, A4V was our only remedy, which law requires it to provide.

Anonymous ID: 3ff38c Jan. 16, 2019, 3:44 p.m. No.4783136   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We're not operating under the 1787 Constitution, but it is the supreme law of the land in perpetuity, which means forever. Much longer than 231 years.