>Everything has meaning or a purpose.
With a 20 minute delay though? Was said team available and not acting during the shooting event? How was this feed relayed to the sheriffs' department (presumably) outside of the building? Not asking you in particular anon, just questions that I have, which end up becoming more questions the more I learn
Thanks anon. it's not my area of expertise, i can't shut up common sense though, and common sense dictates that a 20 minute delay on any any any security camera feed isn't worth having. That whole 20 minutes delay sounds like nonsense.
Have listened since, and stopped it before it was over. My ears rarely lie to me, i call bullshit on her act of victimhood. Sounds like $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to me
See previous post, related. Count down to 2 minutes before COMMS_OFF after errors
Feb 23 2018 18:22:52
>T-2 warning.
Feb 23 2018 18:24:14
More common sense confirmed, thanks anon!