I'm now absolutely certain the reveal is on its way, and it's coming soon. Since Susan Rice has been put in charge of Netflix, GLORIOUS programming has been produced. Bird Box/Bandersnatch is them covering their trails, playing defence, and I'll explain how below.
Has anyone noticed the symbolism being perpetuated recently? THE ELITE ARE SHAKING IN THEIR BOOTS! ON NETFLIX FOR ALL TO SEE!
Im 100% confident in this. Their usage of symbolsim in indicative of someone trying to play damage control. We are shown images of apocalyptic scenarios, the end of the world, cults taking over America, mass insanity, and almost always happening simultaneously. In Bird Box we see this to an EXTREMELY obvious point. My point here is that, they are trying to show us how "bad" things will happen when the Patriots are in control, and sew divisive programming in people to make us REJECT what is undoubtedly coming.
Bird Box is about people who see something previously invisible. It is something so insane and beautiful that it causes people to become entranced by it.
Seeing this image has a dark side however, and the people who see the image of the "truth", become cult like, and either commit suicide, or attempt to force everyone to see the truth.
Netflix of course, displays the truth as deadly, instilling a fear in the facing of the truth.
In bird box, The first person we see infected, displays interesting symbolism to confirm that the antagonist in bird box was the coming Reveal.
There is a girl who is seen in the hospital, using her phone. Her nose is deep inside of it, and that is the only action we see her do, before she begins smashing her face in the wall.
Most people in Bird Box are typically messing with a form of communicative technology, when they are infected by the truth. Cellphones, car radio, There is even a man who sees an Image of the truth through a TV, and is infected.
Now, what's interesting, is that they lead this fear of discovering the truth, to a journey. Sandra Bullock is running from the new world, headed down a river to freedom. She finds her way to others, who share her mindset, and who also seek freedom from those who wish to make them see.
This whole movie is programming for the big reveal, and just shows us that Q is the real deal. Patriots are in control, and Hollowwood is scared. Their Playing Card Pyramid is about to come down collapsing on their heads, and they are throwing the hail mary, hoping to brainwash someone with this programming. If you don't believe me yet, this is not the only obvious example.
Bandersnatch(Netflix), is a show about a boy who discovers the truth of the fabrics of reality itself, and it leads him to utter insanity. He discovers that he has died and lived an infinite number of times, and that reality and time are not exactly in a straight line. That reality is more like Pac Man, and we relive the same moments, and respawn, and do them again.
He learns this all through his study of a book, and through his work on programming a game. Eventually, his computer is taken over by you, the viewer, and we confirm to him the dark truth of his life. The main character then goes nuts, and we can manipulate him to murder his father.
The Shivering Truth is a show on Adult Swim, starring so many famous comedians that its suspicious in its own right. The plot itself is hard to explain, however symbolism is extremely present. Sometimes it is obvious what the shows message is, but sometimes the images shown are so strange or hypnotic that the message would require deciphering after researching and rewatching.
One thing is for certain. it is undoubtedly just like Bird Box and Bandersnatch, as its premise is telling ridiculous stories based around the simple idea of showing horrid images of their idea of "The Shivering Truth" of reality itself, and the consequences it bears.
These images, though disturbing, and dangerous to the typical simple man, are FANTASTIC. It is a reminder to the initiated that patriots are in control, and this land will once again be a place that our God could be proud of.
The big day is coming folks.
Be careful who you listen to.