Anonymous ID: 475257 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:56 p.m. No.4787150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252

New Revelation Ohr Warned Top FBI Officials About Steele Dossier Before Initial FISA Warrant DESTROYS Claims in Schiff’s Junk Countermemo


According to a new report out by award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, former top DOJ official, Bruce Ohr warned FBI and DOJ officials that Steele’s dossier was connected to Hillary Clinton and cautioned them it may be biased — weeks BEFORE they obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page.


Bruce Ohr’s testimony to congressional investigators destroys Rep. Adam Schiff’s efforts to downplay Ohr’s role and interactions with Christopher Steele. Ohr’s testimony also pokes holes in Schiff’s claims that Bruce Ohr didn’t brief the FBI on his contacts with Steele and the dossier until AFTER the election and AFTER the initial FISA warrant was obtained on Carter Page.


The Democrats were desperate to counter Devin Nunes’ damning FISA memo that the House Intel Committee released last winter so the Dems and Schiff concocted a 10-page junk countermemo which was released in February of last year.


Leaker and liar Adam Schiff claimed the Majority (Nunes and Republicans on the House Intel Panel) misled the public on Bruce Ohr’s role.


On page 7 of Schiff’s junk memo, he lied about the timeline of Ohr’s contacts with FBI officials:


The Majority’s reference to Bruce Ohr is misleading. The Majority mischaracterizes Bruce Ohr’s role, overstates the significance of his interactions with Steele, and misleads about the timeframe of Ohr’s communication with the FBI. In late November 2016, Ohr informed the FBI of his prior professional relationship with Steele and information that Steele shared with him (including Steele’s concern about Trump being compromised by Russia). He also described his wife’s contract work with Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele separately. This occurred weeks after the election and more than a month after the Court approved the initial FISA application. The Majority describes Bruce Ohr as a senior DOJ official who “worked closely with the Deputy Attorney General, Yates and later Rosenstein,” in order to imply that Ohr was somehow involved in the FISA process, but there is no indication this is the case.


According to Ohr’s testimony, he briefed FBI and DOJ officials in July or August of 2016 and cautioned them about Steele’s connection to Hillary’s camp and warned them about political bias.


Trey Gowdy’s exchange with Bruce Ohr via Sara Carter:


“After the July 30thmeeting with Chris Steele, I wanted to provide the information he had given me to the FBI,” said Ohr. “I reached out for Andrew McCabe, at that time, Deputy Director of the FBI and somebody who had previously led the organized crime, Russian organized crime squad in NY and who I had worked with in the past, and asked if he could meet with me.”


Ohr went onto say, “I went to his office to provide the information, and Lisa Page was there. So, I provided the information to them. And some point after that, I think, I was given Peter Strzok, or somehow put in contact with Peter Strzok.”


Gowdy follows up with “when was that?”


“I don’t recall the exact date,” said Ohr. “I’m guessing it would’ve been August since I met with Chris Steele at the end of July, and I’m pretty sure I would have reached out to Andrew McCabe soon afterwards.”


Once again, Adam Schiff is caught in a lie trying to protect the corrupt DOJ/ FBI officials who abused the FISA system.


Then-House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes pointed out this very lie in a point by point refutation to Schiff’s junk memo last year — As usual, Nunes was telling the truth and Schiff was lying.

Anonymous ID: 475257 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.4787161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraq’s PMF Forces Claim to Prevent ‘Suspicious’ US Military Activity


This is the third time the militia organization has prevented US military mission in the republic, according to military experts.


Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) have claimed they stopped the US military from conducting a "suspicious" reconnaissance mission on the border with Syria, according to a report by Asharq Al-Awsat.


The US troops reportedly acted in the area under PMF control, the report says.


"The American provocations have reached such an extent as to reveal our secret intelligence on the border," an Anbar region PMF field operations commander Qassem Mosleh said in a statement. "The Anbar [region] command stopped the troops from continuing their reconnaissance, forcing them to turn back to their base."


"Such reconnaissance is considered a violation of Iraqi national sovereignty," he stated.


According to Mosleh, the US troops were "extracting critical information" from security forces deployed along the border. The militia commander said the servicemen were inquiring about the number of Iraqi forces at various border points, as well as the types of weapons and ammunition they possessed.


The US military has not yet commented on the PMF's claims, the website reports.


Tareq al-Aasal, the PMF deputy chief in Anbar, did not confirm Mosleh's statement, saying that since he is now in al-Ramadi, he does not possess enough information.


Armed groups expert Hashem al-Hashemi, however, told Asharq Al-Awsat that this third time that the "PMF barred American forces from continuing a reconnaissance mission," with the first incident taking place in 2016, and the second one taking place just two weeks ago.

Anonymous ID: 475257 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:01 p.m. No.4787194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252 >>7312

Giuliani: ‘I Never Said There Was No Collusion’ – I Said Trump Didn’t Collude


On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani stated, “I never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or between people in the campaign.” Giuliani said that he and the president have denied that the president colluded.


Anchor Chris Cuomo stated, “Mr. Mayor, false reporting is saying that nobody in the campaign had any contacts with Russia. False reporting is saying that there has been no suggestion of any kind of collusion between the campaign and any Russians. Because now you have Paul Manafort giving poll data that winds up leading to this coincidence –.”


Giuliani cut in, “Well, you just misstated my position. I never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or between people in the campaign. I have no idea…I said the president of the United States. There is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC.”


Giuliani added that the president also hasn’t claimed that no one colluded. He said that Trump has stated that he didn’t collude, and as far as he knows, no one in the campaign did.