>>4786477 (lb)
shrunken heads, bro?
they seriously pushed that shit?!
holy fuck those people were gullible.
maybe they'll figure it out one day.
>>4786477 (lb)
shrunken heads, bro?
they seriously pushed that shit?!
holy fuck those people were gullible.
maybe they'll figure it out one day.
You whine like a highschool girl whose prom date stood her up.
Sit down and shut the fuck up.
Your projection smells like shit.
Then why the fuck are you even here.
That speaks volumes about the kind of loser you are.
>Troll a LARP
Genius level: 6 MILLION GORILLION!
Might want to re-think that.
Netflix just launched a new show starring him, mocking Space Force.
We'll see. The dude is funny. Have seen plenty of his movies/shows but he is an A-lister and made it through Pedowood at peak trafficking times.
I get it but he did work with Seth Rogen in 40 yr old virgin.
Sarah Silverman also is not PC and we all know about her and Patton.
I know for a fact that a lot of these A-Lister celebs who are quiet, know.
They've been to parties, they've heard shit.
Why are they not speaking out?
We know many are dirty, illuminati, and far worse so where are the 'good guys' coming forward?
Bruce Willis?
Mel Gibson?
Nicholas Cage?
We see so many "hate" POTUS. Rarely, any speaking out. Why?
kek..just staying true to be careful who I follow. I even question POTUS tbh.
All I know, is through my countless digs back through those drops, a lot of movies are forever ruined for me.
noticed after I posted, now I'm stuck. kek.
I read a crazy article about Mel supposedly talking about all the pedo shit and they said it was debunked, he never said it but I dunno. That's a crazy sumbitch. We've all seen Braveheart and all Lethal Weapons.
Are you fucking kidding?!
If I had a massive following with a live feed, I'd release every goddamn bit of all the proof in a very straightforward manner that pointed to ALL the bullshit by both ZION and MARX over the decades here in the US.
Just saw AJ's "official statement on Sandy Hook and some other shit" video tonight and yep, he still believes SH happened.
Nobody touches on the REAL truth because of that fact, their prechuz shekels and fear of being labeled.
It's all fucking bullshit, anonโฆif it's on the stage, it's bullshit.
Moar NWOniggers.
Kill em all.
This world needs a Purge and the Tree of Liberty needs to be Refreshed.