Anonymous ID: c87ca8 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:16 p.m. No.4786604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6678

Tucker on Yellow Vest Protests in France

1-16-19,, ~31 mins

repost per baker request


PAGE 1 (video) of 2 (article)


"Our media haven't said very much about the Yellow Vests and that should not surprise you." This is a "revolt against a deeply selfish and stupid establishment, and that includes the media."


Next come remarks made by Chrisophe Guilluy, author of Twilight of the Elites: Prosperity, Periphery and the Future of France.


Guilluy summary:

15 years ago, he noticed that most working class people live from the major cities. The cities have no need for working class outside the big cities. But ou can't build a society around this…


The YV protesters are from more rural areas; they are working class, not intellectuals. The cultural establishment can't grasp what's going on; similar to the intellectual response to Brexit in the UK. The protesters use the yellow vests to remind them "we exist."…


Cities need French professionals and immigrants to do the scut work. There's no place for the French working class.


The French Bourgeousie is very hip and progressive; they ostracize the working class (like deplorables here): "They are looked upon as though they are some kind of Amazonian tribe."


Protesters have been denounced in France as xenophobes, anti-Semites and homophobes. The elites used this to defend their class. Now they are afraid.


Now the working class wants to be integrated into the culture. "We need a cultural revolution."


[The intellectuals] need to stop insulting the working class, to stop thinking of them as imbeciles. Cultural respect is fundamental….We also need to think differently about the economy–beyond Paris, London & New York.


Tucker: "Imagine what it would look like if Republicans leaders understood what you just heard. They must just start winning elections."

Anonymous ID: c87ca8 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.4786678   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Tucker on Yellow Vest Protests in France

re-post per baker request


PAGE 2 (article to go with video)


Attached is the transcript of the interview with French author Christophe Guilluy from which Tucker read on his show tonight.


I was very excited to see this coverage on FOX, because there has been so little MSM coverage of any kind, despite the ongoing protests in France. To the point where populist opposition leader Marine Le Pen had to broadcast her speech in support of the French people on Facebook; no other media outlet would carry it.


But the persistence of the Yellow Vests seems to be slowly breaking through the media blackout.


Next step: FOX should SEND A NEWS CREW to France and other countries to cover the Yellow Vest movement and actually interview participants.

Anonymous ID: c87ca8 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.4786787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6920 >>7155


Astute question, friend. I used to try to grasp the issues involved in the Jewish controversy but soon realized the shilling was such that this was not a good forum for a discussion. I still wonder why the muh joos stuff is so thick; probably mainly to discredit Q movement, since anti-semitism is taboo in our culture.


But the other night, I asked why there's never (or almost never) any anti-Muslim propaganda here. I mean, if we were so anti-semite (and racist to boot), wouldn't we be posting up a storm complaining about the flood of Muslims into the USA?





So you are basically saying you're too lazy to be precise. Not a very convincing argument, anon.

Anonymous ID: c87ca8 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:35 p.m. No.4786858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6932 >>7070


I reject the idea of calling immigrants beaners. Your free to do what you want, but it's your own position, not Qs. Shall I cite the post on division-fagging? Or do you have it memorized by now?

Anonymous ID: c87ca8 Jan. 16, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.4786929   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hate to sounds like a scold and not sure it changes anything. Don't mind shills being nasty but hate to see disgruntled patriots falling in line. some are young and angry, but still….

Anonymous ID: c87ca8 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:04 p.m. No.4787237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7280

Just reflecting on how I spend my time here frends….


  1. digging

a. offline (long diggs, tedious but worth it)

b. online (shorter diggs, more interactive/fun)

  1. memeing

a. fun simple memes

b. trying to be a little bit clever (WIP)

  1. praying - all the time

  2. exchanging ideas & doing group diggs together: exciting when it works

  3. "sitting" with people with real troubles

  4. giving & taking feedback (rewarding also hard sometimes)

  5. coming up with quick memes in a conversation (I'm never fast enough)

  6. adding sauce to "thin" pieces (could be a phone-fagger)

  7. looking for notables (espec. ones that don't stand out)

  8. opposing certain kinds of shill posts (eg, advocating violence; not often, just if it seems right)

  9. encouraging anons with positive feedback; God knows we get enough of the other kind.

  10. Rare: songs & poems


Try to avoid:

  1. hostile exchanges that serve no purpose

  2. no sauce, no text w/caps (too hard for others)

  3. butting into private exchanges between others (you can tell)

  4. criticizing anons for no damn good reason

  5. criticizing Q

  6. division-fagging (painful to behold)

  7. concern-fagging (what a drag!)

  8. responding to stale, old shill posts (what's the use?)

  9. arguing with bakers (or whining about them)

  10. Are-we-there-yet fagging

  11. getting too attached to long projects (hard to keep perspective)

  12. thinking I know more than others (ongoing project)

Anonymous ID: c87ca8 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.4787308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


At this point–and on this board–what exactly does it work FOR? I can see it makes us look bad to the world, because anti-Q writers always mention it. But other than that, what's the purpose? (Or is that the main purpose, do you think?)