You are talking to someone who couldn't agree more. As a WM I see the importance of this from an odd, but very telling angle. I tried to continue my heritage and I did fullfill my role faithfully. But after being ripped off and shit on twice by WF's who were brainwashed into thinking they have no responsibility for anything but must be admired and have attention from all men, I changed my strategy. I chose not to marry again. But as fate would have it, I did eventually meet a woman who valued family, responsibility. Has deep rooted conservative morals that can't be shaken loose. And has stood by me faithfully for ten years now. Ironically, she is Asian.
She asked me just the other day, as we walked in the mall and she noticed a few other couples - "Why does a white woman who could have what I have, choose the black who does not share her values?"
I had no answer. Perhaps because we were too good to them for so long, they forgot.
Well, they did try to kill Mel.