Anonymous ID: 4969f7 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.4787387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4786593 PB


>The enemy is religiously compelled to "reveal the method" to the victim. Exactly like a Vampire is forced to ask to enter your house before he sucks all your blood and makes you a minion sex slave for ever and ever. Vampires are a myth based on reality. It is an easy way to think of why they do the "reveal the method".






>Man can also revoke permission given.


My son and I were talking about this just this morning. Biblically speaking, it appears that there is a law maybe set up by the Creator himself, given that even the Creator says that you need to accept the gift of salvation?

Meaning ask for it?

Invite the spirit of God?

Then, there is the whole thing where God says he will do nothing unless he tells his prophets, so they can tell us what he is going to do if he plans to take action….right?

Is this not an announcement of future action before it is carried out? And do not the evil ones have to live by the same rules?


I thought both the permission thing and the announcement thing set up in the bible were interesting daily observable facts of both good and evil actors.

We came to the conclusion that this law must have been made to protect mankind from unwanted spiritual destruction. The default is no permission for anyone.