Anonymous ID: 50ccef Jan. 16, 2019, 10:23 p.m. No.4787896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7909 >>8018

Hi, so I haven't seen this talked about over here (apologies if it has); SNAP (Food Stamps) and Section 8 Housing Benefits are going to be running out in March; and both USDA and HUD are not going to be able to further supply government funding, unless those particular sections of the government are funded individually outside the shutdown.


While some anons may be want to celebrate the end of government excess, unless you want unrest, touching these programs shouldn't happen without a major cultural shift, which would take decades.

> 43 million people get SNAP benefits

> USDA already approved a double spend to cover shutdown concerns. Many states are sending out next months benefit early due to shutdown funding, and nothing is approved for march.

> 80% of SNAP benefits disbursed are used up in the first 2 weeks


Due to socio-economic factors like the poverty mindset - windfalls received by low income persons in particular tend to evaporate fast; easy out, easy in. This is a generalization sure, but generalizations tend to apply when you talk about millions of people.


I did some research of my own, the Food Bank / Charity systems currently extant handle only 3-4 million people a month, and can NOT handle a 10x+ surge of 34 million or more (Assuming 80% of people receiving SNAP budget badly and hit them up for aid, which is entirely possible in a worst-case scenario). And this is just backhand math.


Section 8 subsidies I'm admittedly less knowledgeable about, but history has plenty of examples of what happens when hungry, poor people get kicked out of their homes, and suddenly have no support and nothing to lose. Congress is playing a dangerous game, and this is NOT a train we as a country should ride, unless the goal is to accelerate chaos. If the shutdown continues indefinitely we will have no choice, however.