Anonymous ID: 5d52a8 Jan. 16, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.4788027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8050 >>8059 >>8064


>Let me get this right Trump,is shutting down the govt to fire these Workers. Whose on workers side?


He shutdown the gov to get a paltry 5.7 bil (1/1000 of total budget) for border security/wall.


Pelosi said no to paltry 5.7 bil repeatedly. Once on a surprise live video where she was hailed as "standing up" to Trump, again in a SCIF meeting where she rejected "Nielsen's Facts" and again the other day when Trump asked her what happens in 30 days and if I open gov will you give me wall? Pelosi said no, Trump said bye-bye. Schumer runs out and tells press Trump slammed table (a lie even dem staffers admitted).


Tuesday we find out maybe furloughed workers could be RIFd. "Coincidentally" appearing that day is a post by a anonymous Trump official that says he/she is working with no pay and it's great to be able to get something done because the 85% of the furloughed are fucks ups who don't do anything, can't be fired, and spend their time rolling stones in Trump's path so nothing ever gets done.


Seems nobody knew the RIF story was coming, and it could be true, who knows? OPM not saying anything for sure, i.e. they don't know either (they should). Pelosi writes Trump letter next day saying open up gov this week or no SOTU. Why this week? 30 day window before possible RIF closes Sunday. Could that be it? Then a report 'coincidentally' appears saying Trump signs bill to pay furloughed workers.


So Pelosi is the one on the hook for jeopardizing gov workers for a paltry 5.7 bil in order to allow unfettered illegal access (job competitors to the RIF'd) across border? Nice optics, Nan


So no fed money because, "Nancy says no to wall", workers RIFd. Newer hires (Obama flunkies) go first (tenure) and RIFd workers are pushed into an American economy that for the first time in many years is looking for workers. Private jobs, so income taxes taken go to general fund rather than to paying them.


I'd take my odds on that. If information surfaces showing pols enriched themselves via criminal activities on border and people put 2 + 2 together and realize that those pols allowed people to be fired in order to keep their cash cow alive, they really won't be able to walk down the street, as someone we know has said.