Anonymous ID: 8007e2 Jan. 16, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.4787352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4785200 (lb)

Sorry man, this is some shitty “research”.


>1.) THE FAKE DOSSIERE/FUSION GPS INVESTIGATION - It's been wrapped up in the House and is moving to the Senate. (Rumor has it Strozk, Yates, Rice and McCabe are already being tried in GITMO as of 1/2/19, but that's unverified). Regardless, it's a real investigation, rest assured of that:


This article says they’re closing their investigation. It’s not “moving to the Senate” so much as “the future of the investigation will likely rest with Senate Republicans”. They’re shutting it down and it depends on whether someone else picks up the ball and runs with it. It WAS a real investigation, but the FBI obstructed it by refusing to hand over the requested documents.


>2.) THE BENGHAZI COVER-UP INVESTIGATION - This just in, Benghazi is now also being re-investigated. Some theories put a server full of nuke-technology in Amb. Stephen's possession, which was destined for Iran when ex-SOCOM contractors intervened and rescued it, bringing it back with them to the CIA annex. Regardless, there is now a team of prosecutors on it:


Because Judicial Watch went after them, not because our fucking government actually did anything about it.


>5.) THE HRC SERVER(s) INVESTIGATION - Q said 'we have the server(s)'. We know Clinton's once lost e-mails and much more are in patriot hands and will re-appear at a pre-determined time. They hold proof of ALL crimes and ALL the DS players who took part:


Article is from 2016.


>6.) THE FISA ABUSE INVESTIGATION - Q has said FISA will lead the way and it absolutely will play a major role in the criminal roll-up. Remember, (compromised) Justice Roberts is the one who appoints FISA judges.


“Two senior House Republicans on Friday said they are closing their investigation into the FBI's handling of its probes into both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, issuing few new revelations but urging the continuation of their work when Democrats take the majority in January.”

They’re shutting the investigation down.


>7.) THE IMRAN AMAN SERVER INVESTIGATION - Let's not forget about Imran Awan and his data collection on (mostly Democrat) Congressional members. It's our understanding he took a plea, and is being held in reserve to testify at the appropriate time.


Article is from 2017