Anonymous ID: ae46d3 Jan. 16, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.4788020   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8036 >>8088


right on brother. We know this stuff largely because Q pointed us in the right direction or flat out tipped us off. Big reveals to the public and anons think "yeah we knew that a long time ago". But sometimes we forget that the only reason we knew anything in advance was because Q gave us the heads up.


AND 2018 legit was GLORIOUS! I haven't seen such an amazing ass kicking year since…well since never. I mean can you remember ANY other year when you had so much hope and seen so much promise for the future of this country . We need a year in review to remind us of all the amazing stuff that went down this year. 2 supreme court noms and the removal of No Name and daddy Bush was Amazing. And the letter at the funeral was priceless.