Anonymous ID: d7ac6a Jan. 16, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.4787628   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I guess this will trigger some of you shills. If Anons don't know who Amir is, you should. He is a jewish christian with a perspective on events in the middle east that you won't get anywhere else.


My notes on the video he just posted:


-Israel strike in damascus airport confirmed by govt.


-Daily cargo flights from Tehran to Damascus, can watch it like planefags. IDF waits until the warehouses are full, then strikes them.


-Amazing how can iranians be in a financial crisis yet afford to send all these weapons


-Syrians vowed to strike back on Israel but cannot


-Nuclear archive from tehran also included maps of 6 tunnels, which have been uncovered and or neutralized, Hezbollah huge embarrassment


-Tunnels were supposed to be a huge victory for Hezbollah


-Hassan Nusrallah rushed to hosp. either heart attack or cancer possibly, can’t confirm


-American iranian sanctions working well, china just pulled out of an oil field deal, iran only selling 1M barrels per day now


-poland will host anti-iran conference, angering Russia


-EU decided to impose sanctions on iran because Israel uncovered and thwarted terrorist attacks in Denm, Neth, Swed, France


-Trump said 1) we will protect the entrance to Syria, 2) he will crush turkish economy if Erdogan touches the Kurds


-Iran now attacking shiites who have converted to born again Christians. Thousands every month. Lord is actually doing a mighty work in Iran.


-We are on the verge of Ezekiel’s war (not armageddon war). 5 countries coming against israel for the sake of war and plunder. Russia / Turkey / Iran / Libya / Sudan


-Turkey was caught aiding Libya and providing weapons


-Israel will have early elections in May


-Mossad and Shabbach just warned a foreign country will try to intervene in favor of Netanyahu


-Russia released a statement saying "Keep our name out of your elections", because of the circus going on here in the US.


-Israelis are already saying Russia is about to intervene, so they have the same cabal problem we do with their media


-Obvious there is a concerted effort by Globalists against Trump and Netanyahu, both mired by false allegations


-If Netanyahu and Trump lose their respective elections, it would be a perfect storm for Ezekiel’s war, i.e. Globalists will seize the opportunity


-Word of God is still being preached and received in many places / but the progressive globalist efforts are being doubled up.


-You thought things are bad now, they will get a lot worse in the coming year.


-Europe falling apart, French clueless / criticizing israel yet attacking their own people with tear gas.


-Macron also attacking the poor by raising their gas taxes and installing new traffic cams everywhere, which the yellow vests are destroying.


-Foresee a German / French effort to bring about a ‘new EU’ which could be the empire from which the antichrist emerges


-new EU will be more radical, more militant, and project opposite values of the current EU


-the works of the enemy are so transparent to the believer when you know the spirit and word of God


-mystery of lawlessness, spirit of antichrist is easy to detect, exciting the believers. Our enemy is not from the outside, but from the inside.


-so many church movements that will bring about biblical illiteracy, not grounded in the Word


-be Bereans, check everything by the Scriptures, and don’t discard the old testament


-knowing OT is key to understanding NT, knowing both is key to understanding world events


-Read your Bible and confirm everything by the Word