Anonymous ID: ddfa6a Jan. 16, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.4787327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7344 >>7348 >>7524 >>7610 >>7723 >>7916 >>7939 >>8025

Papadopoulos Told Congress That FBI Asked Him To Spy On Mystery Professor At Center Of Collusion Probe


George Papadopoulos told Congress that the FBI offered to pay him to travel to London to conduct surveillance on Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who allegedly claimed that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The former Trump aide said that he rejected the offer, which was made during a Jan. 31, 2017 meeting with an FBI agent in Chicago.

Papadopoulos has served a 14 day prison sentence for lying to the FBI about the extent of his contacts with Mifsud.


Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told Congress in October that an FBI agent asked him to travel to London to spy on a mysterious Maltese professor who allegedly claimed that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.


“The FBI agent said, we need you to wear a wire and we’ll pay you and you can go to London and you can kind of look behind the scenes of an FBI operation. It was very bizarre, very strange,” Papadopoulos told members of the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees in an interview on Oct. 25.


The request was allegedly made during a meeting in Chicago on Jan. 31, 2017, four days after Papadopoulos was first interviewed by the FBI about his tenure on the Trump campaign. In that first interview, Papadopoulos told FBI agents about encounters he had with the professor, Joseph Mifsud, during his time on the Trump campaign.


Papadopoulos told FBI agents in his initial interview that Mifsud told him during a meeting in London on April 26, 2016 that Russia had “thousands” of former presidential candidate Clinton’s emails. Though Papadopoulos shared that detail with the agents, he later admitted making false statements about the extent and full timeline of his contacts with Mifsud.


Papadopoulos suggested in his congressional interview that the request from the FBI came after he said that Mifsud had recently attempted to contact him through Facebook.


“I believe Mifsud was reaching out to me around that time, and I kept ignoring him,” he said. “And he was sending me messages on Facebook, trying to reach out to me.”


“We want you to wear a wire to go after Joseph Mifsud or to get some sort of information about him,” Papadopoulos said he was asked by the FBI, according to portions of his testimony published Wednesday by The Epoch Times.


“I rejected it,” he told lawmakers of the request.

Anonymous ID: ddfa6a Jan. 16, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.4787334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7348 >>7390

Trump Signs Bill Promising Back-Pay to Furloughed Federal Workers


Jan. 16 (UPI) — In a moment of rare bipartisanship, President Donald Trump signed a Democrat-sponsored bill Wednesday guaranteeing back-pay to workers furloughed by the ongoing partial government shutdown.


Since December 21, several government departments have been shut down due to an impasse between congressional Democrats and Trump over the president’s request of $5.7 billion to fund an expanded physical barrier at the U.S.-Mexico border. This stalemate has forced tens of thousands of federal employees to work without pay, with some 80,000 not receiving a paycheck for the first time last Friday.


However, the signing of the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019, sponsored by Sen. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md., requires that all government employees be compensated for “wages lost, work performed, or leave used” during the shutdown, the Whitehouse announced in a news release.


“This is an important step toward providing our civil servants with some stability and hope. But it doesn’t help pay the bills now. To do that, we MUST reopen the government,” Sen. Cardin said in a tweet prior to the bill being signed.


Vice President Mike Pence informed U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents of the news, The Hill reported.


“Just moments ago the House or Representatives passed legislation that will ensure that all the dedicated professionals at Custom and Border Protection and all of the agencies affected by this shutdown will be paid in full,” he said from the agency’s Washington, D.C., headquarters.


The measure follows last week’s introduction of a bill that would protect furloughed federal workers from landlords and creditors filing legal action against them for failing to pay their bills during the shutdown, reported the Huffington Post.


Earlier Wednesday, President Trump had a “constructive” meeting with the bipartisan group of Congress members dubbed the Problem Solvers Caucus to negotiate during the shutdown, reported CNN.


And that same day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., urged the president to delay his scheduled State of the Union later this month until the shutdown, which nears its fifth week, comes to an end.

Anonymous ID: ddfa6a Jan. 16, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.4787349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7846

Coalition of Groups Puts Pressure on Schumer, Pelosi to Fund Border Wall


WASHINGTON—On a cold January morning outside the Capitol, a coalition of groups that support Trump had an even colder message for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) over their refusal to fund a border wall.


“Which one of your children would you be willing to sacrifice?” Amy Kremer, the co-founder of Women for Trump, rhetorically asked Pelosi. “This is not just a manufactured crisis … This is very real.”


With her were more than 20 other Trump supporters, many of them Angel Families who have lost a loved one at the hands of an illegal alien.


“Nancy Pelosi, you’ve got a nice wall around your home. Build that wall for the safety and security of the American people,” said Maureen Laquerre, an Angel sister whose brother was killed in 2009 by an illegal alien driving without a license.


They came to Congress on Jan. 15 to get a meeting with the recently elected speaker and minority leader, who have been in a stalemate with President Donald Trump over the $5.7 billion he wants for a wall on the border with Mexico. Trump has cited human trafficking, illegal immigration, terrorism, and the flow of illicit drugs through the southwest border as the reasons he wants a wall—all concerns shared by those attending the rally.


Also at the rally was former ICE Director Thomas Homan, who addressed speculation about the number of special-interest aliens (SIAs), people who have been flagged because of their travel patterns and behavior, coming through open parts of the southwest border. DHS said that last year, 3,000 were stopped at the southern border, but not how many of those were apprehended between ports of entry.


“As for terrorists coming across the southwest border, yes, I detained one as ICE director. The question isn’t how many have been arrested by Border Patrol, the question is how many did not get arrested by Border Patrol,” Homan said. “If anyone doesn’t think the southwestern border is a vulnerability to terrorism, then again, you’re not paying attention.”


Members of Congress, as well as families of those who died of drug overdoses, or while fighting in the Middle East, or in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were also part of the coalition.


A common refrain throughout their speeches was the feeling that they have been put in the shadows, while illegal aliens have been welcomed with open arms, as evidenced by the number of sanctuary jurisdictions that protect them. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, there are about 300.


Illustrating their point, some joggers started heckling the group as they ran past.

Anonymous ID: ddfa6a Jan. 16, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.4787378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7400 >>7446 >>7524 >>7723 >>7939 >>8025

Fake Washington Post copies announcing Trump's resignation handed out in Washington, DC


Taking the art of fake news to new heights, a non-profit has circulated mock Washington Post issues near White House, telling readers that President Donald Trump fled the office to Crimea on the back of women-led protests.


Activists giving out fake copies of the WaPo to commuters were spotted near the White House on Wednesday morning. Vigilant readers immediately alerted the newspaper, which said that the copies, dated May 1, 2019, were "not Post products" and that it was "looking into this."


The fake WaPo copies grab attention of a chance reader with an eye-catching headline for its lead story: "UNPRESIDENTED. Ending Crisis, Trump Hastily Departs White House" complete with a picture of a glum Trump on his way to "slip in a private car in the wee hours of the morning."


The paper "reports" that Trump abruptly left his office at 3:15 am on May 1, leaving a message on a napkin in the Oval Office, that blamed "crooked Hillary," the mysterious "Hfior" and "the Fake News Media" for his flight. The report, meticulously mimicking the WaPo's source-based reporting style, cites "four White House aides" speaking on condition of anonymity, that they found the napkin two days before the events took a dramatic turn.


Trump's fictional resignation and the subsequent swearing-in of Vice President Mike Pence, who instantly promises to keep as low a profile as possible, comes amidst "massive protests" staged by a grassroots movement with #MeToo as its backbone.

Anonymous ID: ddfa6a Jan. 16, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.4787414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7447

Kikes making a meal this shit


From Nairobi to Manbij: Terror attacks loom large


Extremist groups have not been defeated and the road to a world after ISIS and in which terror has been reduced is still long and difficult.


Two deadly terror attacks rocked Syria and Kenya and show that extremist groups such as Islamic State and Al-Shabab have not been dented in their ability to strike at the most sensitive and important targets. On Wednesday, an attack claimed by ISIS struck Americans meeting with locals in the sensitive town of Manbij in northern Syria. Four Americans were reported killed. In Nairobi, Al-Shabab attacked a luxury hotel on Tuesday and murdered more than 20 people.


The Nairobi attack conjured up memories of the 2013 Westgate massacre when four Al-Shabab members murdered more than 60 in a mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack this week on the DusitD2 took place in the same Westlands suburb and was barely a kilometer away from the site of the former attack. Al-Shabab is based in Somalia but it has been in contact with Al-Qaeda in the past and has learned from the tactics used by ISIS. The attack on the luxury hotel comes in the context of its decade-long battle against the government in Somalia and its attempt to spread terror across east Africa. It has targeted Christian university students in Kenya, and struck at a World Cup match in Uganda in 2010.