That would be a medium that could reach an audience, mega pill potential……..if the corn syrup, porn, and fluoride haze isn’t too thick
Toe lookin, 5’2” sell out. Glad I learned about Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock from his pod though……..when idols become your fuckin rivals nigga.
Waking the general populace, is kinda like that part in the movie where you just rooting for the dim wits to just turn around, or not go up stairs….. you know their fate, but want to save them….for humanity. This strategy to make woke these people, is genius.
Board game bad. Tranny kids good.
That gif is too kek….thank you sir
Those places kinda sound like towns in middle earth, or is it inner earth, what did Tolkien know……
Whoa bro. Check that toxic masculinity at the door
Who was BL again?
Look at this faggot shit…..kinda funny
I dig it
His pigment seems off
Miles and miles of hidden tech. Or a reptilian hang out, either way.
Hey, the laws the law man.
Sorry guise, had to screenshot. Couldn’t figure out how to get em here…. but, it kinda relates to the missle launch in June, trident D5 missles would have had very strict transport guidelines