Anonymous ID: 8fc8e8 Feb. 23, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.479470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9503 >>9525 >>9634

Summary of #589 Last Bread


We can't arm teachers, guys. It frightens black people. Sorry.



are we being conditioned for the fight coming?


Semper Fi, faggots!




CDC worker missing








Montauk Monster




seems like hush money








Sheriff Scott Israel was accused in June 2016



Paine says Broward County Sheriff was going to be HRC FBI Director


Where does Paine get his info?







Comey was going to be tapped for SCOTUS?.













McCabe scared of Paine?



Democrat mayor had an affair with her bodyguard






“his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency."


This shooter also complained of voices in his head, electronic harrassment and being a "targeted individual."



Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness







Broward County Sheriffs Deputy is a regional director of CAIR. Nezar Hamze









Pray for Canada.



What about us





what Holt says about Bush Sr. grooming Clinton



FLA kids seem to have some really (((weird genetics)))



Sheriff Israel spent 425 a ticket to go to Trumps New Years Eve party



call for the sheriffs’ resignation




no cameras?





We are in a fight with a fire breathing dragon.






Transcript of Tipster’s Chilling Warning to FBI



Donate to a local charity




Superintendent Robert Runcie and President Barack Obama










Alexa - innocent or involved?





Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’



South Florida is a strange place.




Cook County Illinois & Loop Capital






second comes forward and accuses CNN…



Coral Springs Police Department issues official statement tonight

