Anonymous ID: 545ba8 Jan. 17, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.4798049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8103



An anon said something interesting about Bill Clinton (might've been in a YT analysis of the Envelope Affair): that Bill seems to have accepted the situation for what it is; Bill knows that Trump is smarter, Bill (out of all of them) might actually understand that there's a Plan. Bill, in this sense, might be the smartest of his bunch because he knows his limitations. That, and I've always felt he hates Hillary so he's getting a kick out of seeing her panic. Also, Bill got his turn at the Presidency.


When I watch Bill in any kind of footage, you can really see that his sole joy in life is being a leery creep. He looks genuinely thrilled when he sees Melania at GWHB's funeral.


Anyway, the reason I blathered on about Bill Clinton is because if I were a matchmaker I would have had Hillary marry Bill Maher. Maher is wound up tight!

Anonymous ID: 545ba8 Jan. 17, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.4798211   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Kek, God wouldn't say that but I get you, anon.


What's interesting about Bill, though, is he really does strike me as an atheist. Because most of the time most atheists just come off like wishful atheists (if they keep saying it, maybe it'll be true one day) who want to opt out of morality and just do what they want. Peak narcissism kind of atheism.


But I don't get that vibe with Bill. He's a weird one to me.