Anonymous ID: 5b0749 Jan. 17, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.4798001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8053


>Brussels was a stop b/c pilots can only fly so long and they found busywork while there.


It's a military flight. I think the flight plan is important because there is an airport they use near SHAPE, which isn't in Brussels. It makes a lot more sense from a logistics POV to stop at Ramstein. An hour, maybe less, from SHAPE and they could just switch pilots. Ramstein can handle any aircraft fueling and maintenance and is a widely used stopover with good facilities for that purpose. Ramstein is where POTUS stopped on way back to World from AFG.


I also think the leg from Brussels to AFG is longer, so why no stop? Belgium to AFG wouldn't take you over Egypt. If the they were using one pilot with rest Belgium to Egypt to AFG as hops would make sense. Brussels to Egypt to AFG would be like flying from Seattle to NYC with a stopover in Dallas (guessing here, but I think I'm close).


Other thing to consider is how to do troop transports from World to AFG fly? Do their pilots stop for a break, or what do they do?


Smells like fuckery afoot here, to me. I'm going with it was a group working against POTUS interests with key foreign groups and they're trying to heave enough bullshit out there to cover up the real purpose. Need to wait till the wash shakes out to know for sure.