Anonymous ID: 5ca6d3 Jan. 17, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.4797854   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fucking THIS… I read some posts on /pol/ about Iodine. I had already been building a rain water collection system to get away from fluoride so why the hell not? I started taking one drop of J. Crow 5% solution every day in a bottle of water.


It made a big difference in general energy and well being. It is kinda subtle but it makes a big difference. took about 2 weeks to really kick in. I put a drop in a litre water bottle and drink it every single day.


I also had some SERIOUSLY cracked skin which I flat out could not figure out why. It was new as of about 2 years. Started taking iodine and its getting better. Apparently that is a symptom of iodine deficiency.


Anyway, TRY IT OUT. It helps with Fluoride poisoning as well as other thyroid stuff. You need WAY more than is in salt from what I can tell…