Anonymous ID: a8cb69 Jan. 17, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.4797497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4797314 lb

>>4797229 lb

You niggers want to know the best thing you can do with your body pH? Control the damn acidity in your mouth, so you get good bugs growing in there instead of bad ones. Good bugs like a slightly alkaline environment, and we sabotage them all day with soda, coffee, beer, wine, and just about everything else that's tasty.


Rinse with baking soda and water after drinking acidic stuff (put a tablespoon in a plastic water bottle and keep it handy). Brushing with it is good, too. If you can't handle straight baking soda, try mixing it half and half with your regular toothpaste in a little tupperware container.