Anonymous ID: 6a4857 Jan. 17, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.4798487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8750


yeah he was saying he is more for pro mossad then a globalist and i mean I agree jews are crazy stick together but culture of critique really shows this but does it mean they are so bad? does it mean that they have out smarted us and that every man is responsible for his own actions and out comes in life? it is like paying 30% tax here in commeeanada and with rent 50% of average workers paycheck so we have issues. But the end result is the same - if we do not progress we fail and I think the pressure really gets put on and it blows into something delicious, like the phrase don't poke the bear - but they poked the bear.


Goin to be real interesting in the future. I agree fuck the damn pharisees, the edomite mutts and the wizards who practice dark arts of faggotry amongst other things.


the true root of the evil here, a common evil with our enemy is that of They Follow satan.

It really does boil down to that, satan.

all the fags, lgbt, destroyed homes and relationships, what could have been, we truly do live in satans world right now, but I do believe we are waking up to something new, as if a master watch maker has now clicked in a new piece - of his time it only takes up a few seconds however in our time it is our life time..

we must rise and fight and we are doing a fine job of that as of now.

daily ass kicking of cabal, with growing temperament and like carbon we will be diamonds soon.