Anonymous ID: 7505b6 Jan. 17, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.4798501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon list of demands [2]


  1. Holy shit GEOTUS that ws some funny shit havin em load up on the bus. Tippy fuckin top sir. [not a demand, just props]

  2. Moar savage on twitter. Anons live for the tweets, especially hamberders and horsefaces… “Moar”

  3. Q, Cabinet, all orhe GovFags… GEOTUS gets 10 Minutea of Melania only time a day. He’s sving all of us and din;t marry a rocket for no reason.

  4. A pic of Melania making a sald would look lovely as rhe WH kitchen staff is laid off and all….

  5. Moar Q trolling kabal live with pics… that makes the bread moist.

  6. Yellow Vesters need moar attention and support, our “boots & front line”

  7. Anons need to tighten up [we all know]

  8. A “Where’s Tony Podesta” tweet by Giuliani or Pascale would be moar confirmation.

  9. More Q planes. Love that shit AFfags!

  10. As it is now, and has alwys been, no [[[thems]]]