Anonymous ID: b758f2 Jan. 17, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.4798770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8811

Random thought, but hey, autism works in mysterious ways.


Q said 2018 would be glorious, we're now in 2019, which has been pretty epic thus far, and anons have been matching 2018 posts to 2019 happenings.


Earlier someone posted an article relating to computers, dates, 9/9/99, Y2K et al. I didn't take much away from it…But just had this thought - what if our calendars/clocks are wrong?


May seem silly or meaningless, but if we're a year or two off due to cabal fuckery - whose to say that 2018 isn't 2019, or 2020, or when?