Anonymous ID: dae6e6 Jan. 17, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.4798553   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Most of these people are poisoned wells. They announce this stuff as if they are being our watchful eyes, but these are just partial truths designed to steer our conclusions. Remember that much of the full truth is classified. We can infer what is on the other side, but what is in the open is often calculated for the purposes of disinformation. That they are trying to call attention to it or give tiny leaks here and there between the redactions means they are trying to build the reality they want in our minds.

Anonymous ID: dae6e6 Jan. 17, 2019, 6 p.m. No.4798804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823


Ah, so this would seem to be part of what I noticed.

Northrop-Grumman largely took over after NASA was closed down to being a data processing wing more so than anything else. The fun thing is that NGOs can have their own classification systems/structures. This gets into the distinction between military classification systems and DOE classification systems, as well as the contracts, themselves….

For example, if Northrop-Grumman had something like a magnetic-assist launch with a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle and contracted as a service to the government …. Then would all use of that system need to be documented within the government? If Northrop-Grumman had its own private research projects or developments independent of a government contract … ?


Fun things are on the horizon.