Anonymous ID: f9fc45 Jan. 17, 2019, 6:06 p.m. No.4798872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8963


There are a small handful of core truths that lie at the bottom of every rabbit hole. They are intertwined, often only distinguished by semantics. The JQ is one of them. Those of us that have researched it have no doubt. It's more statistically sound than almost anything I've ever studied, and this anon is scientist.


The challenge in front of us at present is how best to go about saving ourselves from cabal control, how to restore our understanding of The Truth. To that end, it's not a matter of whether to name the Jew, but when, and how. It's clear Q/POTUS are dancing around it – in their coming to the chans in the first place and in naming MOS/Israeli Intel. Most of the J-wise here believe we will play a part in helping to mainstream discussion on this topic. At the same time, we have two problems dealing with strategy that indicate walking carefully on this topic: 1) many of early wakers get impatient why it's taking so long for everyone else, we want them to go from 0 to 60 in mere seconds, when that's not how it works. They've been heavily brainwashing, with trauma/shame reinforcement against seeing the truth on this topic, and 2) JIDF/MOS are poisoning this issue here w/every ounce of strength they've got, playing every side and permutation of a side they can.

This creates a "fog of war" scenario, a chaos they're hoping to play to their benefit.


It's our job to play that chaos to our benefit. Sometimes that means speaking up meaningfully on the JQ, sometimes that means staying on the sidelines, not adding fuel to any fires. We have to remember Q's injunction to be patient. The better part of valor is very often discretion.


There's a really good discussion in Meta on this subject if anyone's interested. Helped me see the bigger picture.